Fall 2023 ARM – M1CDQ2 binge eating /anxiety (social work)


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M1CQD2- Discussion question- After reading the article review of binge eating of six cases explain what you learned about single-subject design that you did not know or didn’t understand regarding research prior to reading the article.

Discussion question- You just took two actual scales measuring anxiety. Now I don’t expect for you to have clinical levels of anxiety but I do want the hear about your thoughts on taking and scoring the scale. I would also like for you to discuss your score on the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. Part of this exercise is to show you that you need to be careful when selecting measurement tools that will measure the actual level of a symptom .Complete: The Clinical Anxiety Scale (p.335) Some of the items need to be reverse scored. They are marked on the scale. What

this means is you flip the scores on those items

This questionnaire is designed to measure how much anxiety you are currently feeling. It is not a test,so there are no right or wrong answers. Answer each item as carefully and as accurately as you can byplacing a number beside each one as follows

1 Rarely or none of the time 2 A little of the time 3 Some of the time 4 A good part of the time 5 Most or all of the time

1. _____ I feel calm. 2. _____ I feel tense. 3. _____ I feel suddenly scared for no reason. 4. _____ I feel nervous. 5. _____ I use tranquilizers or antidepressants to cope with my anxiety. 6. _____ I feel confident about the future. 7. _____ I am free from senseless or unpleasant thoughts. 8. _____ I feel afraid to go out of my house alone. 9. _____ I feel relaxed and in control of myself. 10. _____ I have spells of terror or panic. 11. _____ I feel afraid in open spaces or in the streets. 12. _____ I feel afraid I will faint in public. 13. _____ I am comfortable traveling on buses, subways and trains? 14. _____ I feel nervousness or shakiness inside. 15. _____ I feel comfortable in crowds, such as shopping or at a movie. 16. _____ I feel comfortable when I am left alone. 17. _____ I feel afraid without good reason. 18. _____ Due to my fears, I unreasonably avoid certain animals, objects or situations. 19. _____ I get upset easily or feel panicky unexpectedly. 20. _____ My hands, arms or legs shake or tremble. 21. _____ Due to my fears, I avoid social situations, whenever possible. 22. _____ I experience sudden attacks of panic which catch me by surprise. 23. _____ I feel generally anxious. 24. _____ I am bothered by dizzy spells. 25. _____ Due to my fears, I avoid being alone, whenever possible. 1,6,7,9,13,15,16 Source: Reprinted with permissions from Thyer Bruce. Copyright © 1992, Walmyr Publishing Co A response to this student’s discussion response is needed- My score on the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale was a 22 which fell into the category of mild to moderate. It is important when selecting these tools because we always want to be as accurate as possible. Being a few numbers off or even 1 number off can put someone in another category that they may not be in. Using more than one tool of measurement is always good to lessen the odds of being so far off. GAD-7, Beck, Zung, and Hamilton scales are all valid and accurate assessment tools. It is the matter of which one is more tailored to the type of data collection you prefer. A response to this student’s discussion response is needed-I’m actually interested in taking the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale test and measuring my anxiety. This might sounds crazy but I didn’t know you could measure your anxiety before this class. I’ve been having anxiety for years and for the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale to be a tool that can measure it, is calming. I want to know what triggers my anxiety and also where does my anxiety stand on the scale. So fast forward, I took my measurements on the https://www.mdcalc.com/calc/1843/hamilton-anxiety-scale#next-steps. website. I scored a 13 which is mild anxiety severity which is odd to me considering that I though my anxiety was worse but I guess not. My score also was on the lowest of the scale so have I been pressuring myself too much and overreacting? According to the scale I might be just fine lol. Stated in the question was “Part of this exercise is to show you that you need to be careful when selecting measurement tools that will measure the actual level of a symptom” and this is so accurate. A one point difference can change so much. It’s best to always have accurate results.

Explanation & Answer

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