Gen s340


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Group 1- Global Fund (HIV contributions)

Hi Class,

Attached is the poster presentation evaluation form. I will use this form to evaluate the group presentations. The form is also your guide to what I’m looking for on each of the posters as well as the details of the technical area you are presenting.

For the presenters – I will call on the group to start their presentation – the presenting group will come to the front of the class and prepare to present their poster – the timer will start when the slides are up and everyone is ready. You will have 3.5 minutes to present your poster. Everyone from the group must speak and have a role in the presentation. You will be timed so you must practice as a group in order to get your timing down and also have a good understanding of the topic.

Your poster should be in this order, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion.

my topic to speak about is Method only

How to create a PowerPoint scientific poster: The video is how to create a poster from a blank format and very helpful to begin a poster. to an external site.

You can also download a template in PowerPoint and use that as your starting point and edit it from there.

Remember, you will use Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion as your headers. For example, the abstract is a brief summary of the poster presentation and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s purpose, so it’s an overview of the whole poster you are presenting, the Introduction is the history and background of the subject, the Methods is how its implemented or/and explanation of the program – the steps on how it’s done, the Results is based on the data collected from the implementation of the program and the Discussion is your analysis of the program, explaining why its impactful or not and why it should or should not continue.

If you have any questions, please be sure to bring them up during our class on Monday. We will review this in detail. We have plenty of time before the first groups present.


Explanation & Answer

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