Generalist Practice Skills


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“You are a social work intern at a community mental health center in a large urban area where a significant number of residents are living in poverty. You are assigned by your supervisor to meet a single parent and their 4-year-old son at the family’s home for their initial intake assessment. The son’s daycare provider referred the family to the community mental health center following reports from several staff that the child is presenting a persistent pattern of inattention and hyperactivity. Further, the daycare provider noted potential developmental delays in language and social development. Although the single parent is a voluntary client, the client was initially ambivalent to meet with you. At the initial home visit, you observe the child eating pieces of paint from the wall. Using verbal following, exploring, and focusing skills, facilitate a conversation to identify and prioritize the client’s problem(s), its expressions, and other concerns.”

You are to submit a 10-15-minute video recording and a 10-12 -page paper (not including the cover page and reference page) for this assignment. Please review the directions and grading criteria (see below) for instructions on completing this assignment. Please closely review the rubric (see below) that will be used to grade this assignment. All students are expected to adhere to Chamberlain University’s Academic Integrity Policy. All papers must conform to required elements (i.e., paper elements, format, organization) outlined in the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual.

Based on the scenario described above, record a role play where you will be the social work intern and another individual (e.g., family member, friend, classmate) will play the role of the client. The role-play may be done in-person or you may meet with the client virtually. Do not use a script for this role play. Please ensure there is adequate lighting and that the room and area are quiet and free of any distractions or background noises. Also, do not record yourself more than once (unless the viewer is unable to hear and see you). The client does not need to be seen; however, the viewer must be able to hear the client.

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