Global Health Question


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Social Determinants of Health Interview Assignment

The purpose of the Social Determinants of Health assignment is to provide you an opportunity to conduct an interview with a family member or friend to explore their social determinants of health. You will focus on are those influences that can affect a person’s health status, functioning, quality of life and risks. As you explore social determinants of health, consider upstream, population, and health care system factors that affect the health of an individual. For example, some factors to consider that influence an individual are what you are born with, your experiences, age, how you live, learn, work, play, and worship. By conducting an interview, you will get firsthand information about how social determinants of health affects your family member or friend.

Student Learning Outcomes:

2. Foster human flourishing through the delivery of holistic, ethical, developmentally appropriate, person-centered care that extends compassion to those in need.

3. Apply knowledge of health promotion strategies to promote the delivery of just and equitable care that reflects cultural humility, inclusivity, consideration of social determinants of health, and advocacy.

4. Utilize a spirit of inquiry that seeks to improve health outcomes using evidence-base care as the foundation of nursing practice.

Course Objective:

  • ? Apply concepts of population health to reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes of communities.
  • ? Utilize the principles of servant leadership, and the Catholic Health Ministry to promote culturally sensitive nursing care of vulnerable populationsInstructions
  1. Review all the instructions below and the Blackboard rubric for the assignment.
  2. Select and schedule an appointment with an individual that you would like to interview for thisproject. This individual can be a family member or friend.

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3. Prepare for your interview by reading the Utilizing Fawcett’s model (Nursing Outlook article, 2015) and reviewing the course learnings on social determinants of health. The Fawcett’s article is a great resource to help you write your interview questions. See the direct link below to read the article by Fawcett & Ellenbecker (2015) which describes a conceptual model at the intersection of nursing and population health


Direct link: A Proposed Conceptual Model of Nursing and Population Health


4. The interview should focus on the following factors as outlined in the Fawcett’s article:

  1. Upstream factors
    1. Socioeconomic environment
    2. ii. Physical environment
  2. Population factors
    1. Genetic factors
    2. Behavioral factors
    3. Physiological factors
    4. Resilience
    5. Health State
  3. Health care system factors
    1. Providers
    2. Organizations and institutions

1. Department of health 2. Hospitals

  1. Inpatient and outpatient clinics
  2. Community health centers
  3. Home health care agencies
  1. Payers
  2. Policies
  1. Conduct the interview and take notes. Schedule a time immediately following the interview toreview your notes to ensure that your notes are complete.
  2. Write a 2-4-page APA formatted paper that integrates knowledge of Fawcett’s model with theinformation from the interview and present it in a professional manner.
    1. Your paper should cover the social determinants as outlined in the Fawcett’s article.
    2. Write your paper from a professional viewpoint.
    3. The paper should include the following:? Cover page (no abstract)
      ? Introduction
      ? Body with Headers
      ? Conclusion that reveals the synthesis of the information presented
      ? Use of in-text citation Reference page which includes the citation of the FawcettModel
    4. Be sure to read the APA requirements at the end of this instruction sheet.
  3. Submit your paper in blackboard under the Assignment tab on the left-hand side of the course page.

APA Requirements:

  • ? This paper should be written in APA format.
  • ? First person is acceptable in this paper
  • ? Level 1 headers must be used to label the content sections
  • ? No abstract required

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  • ? Use direct quotes sparingly, if at all.
  • ? The paper should include: title page with honor code, instructor name and date; no more than 2-4 pages ofcontent; reference page
  • ? Please take note of your Safe Assign report. Remember, you can submit a draft early to review your SafeAssign feedback before submitting a final draft.See Blackboard for grading rubric.
Explanation & Answer

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