Haseba autism


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To understand how autism is experienced and portrayed in the media


Please pick one of the following to watch:

  • The first TWO episodes of Atypical on Netflix
  • The first two episodes of Love on the Spectrum
  • The first episode of The Good Doctor on ABC (also streaming on Hulu)
  • This movie about Temple Grandin, (Links to an external site.) available on HBOMax

Please note: While these shows/movies are fictional, there is something to be learned. The Temple Grandin movie is based on true events. If you cannot access any of these options please email me ASAP.

After watching the show/video, please respond to the following questions:

  1. What are the core symptoms of ASD, and why is the social brain of particular interest?
  2. What movie/show did you choose to watch? Identify the symptoms of ASD portrayed by the main character.
  3. Based on the discussions from the textbook, how accurate were the characters portrayal of autism?
  4. How do the main character’s relationships with other people in the movie/show shape their social life and how they view the world, if at all?

example 1

Hi all nice to meet you here. For this extra assignment I watched the ‘The Good Doctor’ this is also my favorite movie of all the time.

  1. Core Symptoms of ASD and the Social Brain

So, I chose to watch “The Good Doctor,” and the main character, Dr. Shaun Murphy, is a surgical resident with autism. The core symptoms of ASD, as portrayed through Shaun, include challenges in social interaction and communication. Shaun struggles with reading social cues, understanding sarcasm, and forming typical emotional connections. His character highlights why the social brain is of particular interest in ASD because it demonstrates the complexities of navigating a world that relies heavily on social norms and non-verbal communication.

  1. Movie Choice and ASD Symptoms

I watched the first episode of “The Good Doctor” on Hulu. from the movie, Dr. Shaun Murphy’s character embodies several ASD symptoms. He exhibits exceptional skills in medicine and attention to detail, a common trait among individuals with autism. His difficulties in social situations, particularly his trouble with eye contact and understanding social nuances, are also prominently depicted. Additionally, Shaun faces sensory sensitivities, which is another characteristic of autism.

  1. Accuracy of Character Portrayals

The character portrayal of autism in “The Good Doctor” has garnered mixed reviews regarding its accuracy. While the show has been praised for shedding light on the capabilities of individuals with autism, it has also faced criticism for oversimplifying certain aspects. Shaun’s exceptional medical abilities may appear extraordinary, but his struggles with social interactions are generally regarded as a realistic portrayal of someone with ASD.

  1. Main Character’s Relationships and Their Impact

In “The Good Doctor,” the main character’s relationships significantly shape his social life and how he perceives the world. Dr. Shaun Murphy’s interactions with his colleagues and superiors in a high-stress hospital environment are central to the show. These relationships impact how others view him and influence his journey as a surgical resident. Shaun’s mentor and a select few colleagues are supportive, while others initially struggle to understand his condition. The show demonstrates the importance of understanding and accommodating individuals with autism and how positive relationships can help them thrive in various environments.

Example 2

1. Autism Spectrum Disorder is seen through a set of neurodevelopmental disorders that can be characterized by repetitive actions, communication, and social skills. The core symptoms include difficulty recognizing the emotions of others, difficulty expressing one’s own emotions, and struggling with communication in certain social situations. It can also include speech abnormalities and intolerance of change in routine or environment. The social brain is what processes information and allows us to recognize others’ mental states, feelings, or actions. The areas of the social brain are weakened in those with ASD.

2. I chose to watch the first episode of The Good Doctor. One can be quick to notice the symptoms of ASD in the main character. He presents significant social awkwardness, fidgeting with his hands, a lack of eye contact, etc. The main character is Shawn Murphy, a surgical resident at San Jose Saint Bonaventure Hospital who flourishes in the medical field with his skills and way of processing and retaining information. This is in contrast with his abilities in social situations, as he has limitations in communication and emotions. Shawn needs to possess empathy and sympathy if he wishes to be a doctor. In the scene where he saves the boy’s life, he does so by not confidently springing into action, but rather showing awkwardness and nerves while not presenting authority or emotions.

3. Based on the discussions from the textbook, I think that Dr. Shaun Murphy played a great portrayal of autism. Shaun possesses Asperger’s disorder, which in the textbook, is described as a less severe form of autism. The text explains that individuals with Asperger’s typically have high intelligence and a strong vocabulary which is seen in Shaun. It also explains that they struggle with social interaction and communication. The textbook also describes repetitive behaviors and a fixation on certain details which is portrayed by the main character.

4. In The Good Doctor, Shaun begins as he struggles to form emotional connections or strong relationships with others. Although, being in such a demanding workplace setting, his social is greatly shaped as well. As he is introduced to his fellow colleagues, we can already see a relationship between him and Dr. Glassman. As Aaron has known Shaun since he was a child, he tends to be the most supportive whereas others could be more opposing. I feel that after some time, as his relationship grows stronger, so do Shaun’s interpersonal skills. His communication and empathy can be seen as his greatest struggle point, but with stronger relationships, his social skills do better. As he forms connections with his colleagues and mentors, his positive growth outcomes in his social life can be seen in his increasing his trust and how he views the world.

Explanation & Answer

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