Hinduism Journa


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Just read up to page 160 – you don’t have to read the “Sarvodaya: Untouchability and Women” section.

  • God can be realized through all paths. All religions are true. The important thing is to reach the roof. You can reach it by stone stairs or by wooden stairs or by bamboo steps or by a rope. You can also climb up by a bamboo pole. (p. 111)
  • One should not think, ‘My religion alone is the right path and other religions are false.’ God can be realized by means of all paths. It is enough to have sincere yearning for God. Infinite are the paths and infinite the opinions. (page 158)
  • I had to practise each religion for a time — Hinduism, Isl?m, Christianity. Furthermore, I followed the paths of the ??ktas, Vaishnavas, and Ved?ntists. I realized that there is only one God toward whom all are travelling; but the paths are different. (p. 129)
  • Truth is one; only It is called by different names. All people are seeking the same Truth; the variance is due to climate, temperament, and name. A lake has many ghats. From one ghat the Hindus take water in jars and call it ‘jal’. From another ghat the Mussalm?ns take water in leather bags and call it ‘p?ni’. From a third the Christians take the same thing and call it ‘water’. Suppose someone says that the thing is not ‘jal’ but ‘p?ni’, or that it is not ‘p?ni’ but ‘water’, or that it is not ‘water’ but ‘jal’, It would indeed be ridiculous. But this very thing is at the root of the friction among sects, their misunderstandings and quarrels. This is why people injure and kill one another, and shed blood, in the name of religion. But this is not good. Everyone is going toward God. They will all realize Him if they have sincerity and longing of heart. (p. 423)
  • You must know that there are different tastes. There are also different powers of digestion. God has made different religions and creeds to suit different aspirants. By no means all are fit for the Knowledge of Brahman. Therefore the worship of God with form has been provided. The mother brings home a fish for her children. She curries part of the fish, part she fries, and with another part she makes pilau. By no means all can digest the pilau. So she makes fish soup for those who have weak stomachs. Further, some want pickled or fried fish. There are different temperaments. There are differences in the capacity to comprehend. (p. 486)
  • A man can reach the roof of a house by stone stairs or a ladder or a rope-ladder or a rope or even by a bamboo pole. But he cannot reach the roof if he sets foot now on one and now on another. He should firmly follow one path. Likewise, in order to realize God a man must follow one path with all his strength. But you must regard other views as so many paths leading to God. You should not feel that your path is the only right path and that other paths are wrong. You mustn’t bear malice toward others. (p. 514)All right, so now we’re going to start going over the members of the committee, right, the members of that Hindu trinity, the three most important theological gods. So we’re going to talk about Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. And then we’re also going to talk about their female consorts or companions. Each member of the tomatoey is a male God, right? So Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are all considered male gods. But they also have I mean, there are different terms that are used for them. You could call it their wives, their female companions, female consorts, but they’re sort of a goddess that like goes with each one of the three main gods in the trauma team. And we’ll see that they’re kind of connected to each other in terms of the powers that they have. Right. Connected to that power, those powers of creation, maintenance and destruction. OK, so that’s what we’re going to go through next, starting with Barama. So remember that Brahma right. Without the end, this is an individual God, a lower case G God, not the same as Brauman. Right. Which with that concept we’ve talked about a lot. So Brahma is the creator God, right. He is the aspect of the Murti that is creation. So the understanding is that. Right. The entire universe sort of emanates out from Brahma. Right. The entire universe in a sense, is Rahmon is an extension or manifestation of Brockmann. So when the universe emanates out, Brahma is the individual God who takes over the act of creation. He creates our world, populates our world with with animals, with plant life and with human beings. Remember, including Manu, who is one of those first human beings that we talked about back in the myths of origins. So he’s considered the creator God and he’s also considered the father of the Vedas. So if you remember back to our historical overview, we talked about the ancient Hindu scripture known as the Vedas. It’s the oldest sacred text, the most important sacred text in all of Hinduism. And it’s really sort of thought of as like an official starting point for Hinduism, as well as kind of a litmus test for Hindus. Right. That there are. Yes, many different Hindus who have different beliefs and gods and goddesses that they’re dedicated to and different understandings. But if they consider that that is sacred, then they they are considered a Hindu. And the belief in Hinduism is that Brahma is the author of the Vedas. He is the one who composed the Vedas, and that’s actually where they came from. So he writes, So the voters are sacred because they’re from God, right? They’re there were written by Brahma. And you can see here in this picture, Brahma, that he has four heads. Right. And he has four heads because within the Vedas there are four main sections of the Vedas, there’s the Rigveda, the some Aveda, the Yojana and the Atara Veda. You don’t need to know all of those, Vedas. You just need to know that there are four different Vedas. There’s four different sections of the Vedas and the belief is that Brahma is actually each one of his heads is constantly reciting one of the betas like one head is constantly reciting the Rigveda. One head is constantly reciting the Atah of Aveda and just is constantly speaking the words of the Vayda. And when it gets to the end of that Vayda, right, then he just starts over again. So each one of his heads is constantly reciting the words of the Vedas and that’s how humans have the Vedas. The belief in Hinduism is actually that, you know, a very, very long time ago. Right. Thousands of years ago, there were these these men, these individuals called Rishi’s and Arashi means like a wise person or a seer. And they were so holy these these men were so holy that they could like in a state of meditation. They could actually hear the words of the Vedas, they could hear God, they could hear Brahma saying these words. So they could just sort of hear the words out of out of the air. Right. Just just in the universe itself. And then they eventually wrote these words down. And that’s where the babies come from. So that’s the belief and that’s where Brahma fits into that. Interestingly enough, though, even though Brahma is the creator God, he’s the author of the Vedas, which is the most important sacred text in Hinduism. He’s not very popular. He’s not a very popular God there. The last time I checked in all of India, you know, there are hundreds of thousands of temples throughout India, but there are only two that were dedicated to Brahma. So he he’s not a very popular. Isha, he’s not someone that a lot of Hindus are personally devoted to, and there’s a lot of different theories on why that is and why sort of his you know, his moment of popularity has kind of passed. So he’s still very theologically important, but he’s actually not a very popular dude, popular God for Hindus to worship. OK, so that’s all for Brahma. And then we’re going to continue with his female consort or his wife, Saraswati.All right, so now we’re going to talk about Saraswathi, who is the female goddess, the the wife, the companion, the consort of Brahma. So just as Brahma is the creator, God, Saraswathi is the goddess of creativity. So she is the goddess associated with all sort of creative pursuits as well as knowledge, because knowledge is a form of human creation. Right? We’re creating knowledge, creating information. So she. Yes. So she’s she’s sort of in charge, has power over creativity. So she’s like the goddess of art, of music, of literature. Right. All sort of creative endeavors, creative pursuits. So she is, as you might imagine, she’s a very popular goddess. Right. Because everybody who is in some way an artist. Right. Who is involved in creativity. Right. If you are a painter, if you’re a musician, if you’re a writer, you would probably be devoted to Saraswati or ask Saraswathi for her help with that. And also because she’s the goddess of knowledge, she is someone that students are devoted to. So while people are still in school, they very much ask for society’s help. And most schools in India will have like an image of Saraswati or a an altar to Saraswathi so that students can ask for her help with school, with their studies, things like that. You can see in her and her iconography here. And you look at the picture of her, right? Brahma had four heads. She has four arms. She’s depicted as having four arms. And for her, that means one. It means sort of her omnipresence that she is sort of present everywhere. She’s very powerful. Right. And that sort of metaphorically depicted with the multiple arms. And she’s usually also portrayed as that. Like each hand, each of her hands is holding like an instrument of art or an instrument of creativity. So she’s usually depicted with an instrument, as you see here, oftentimes with like a paintbrush or a pen right here. She has she has jewelry. So sort of a symbol of creativity, of art as well as beauty. So she’s usually always holding various instruments of creativity. And another thing about Saraswathi, if you notice her foot, her her foot is like resting on a flower. Important to know that’s a lotus flower. And the lotus the lotus flower is is something that’s very prominent. It’s very popular in Eastern art. And that’s because Hindu and Buddhist, Hinduism and Buddhism see the lotus flower as sort of a a symbol of what people should aspire to be. And it’s because the lotus flower is incredibly beautiful. Right. And it blooms resting on top of the water. So you may have seen a lotus flower in person before. Maybe not, but it’s this beautiful flower and they come in all different colors, but they they rest on top of the water. That’s where they live. And it’s always on still water. Right. So they they live in like ponds, really ponds, lakes, things like that. But it can’t be running water. Right. Like not not like a stream or something like that. So when water is still right, if it’s like a pond or a lake, the water tends to be dirtier. Right. Because it’s not like the rushing water. You know, if you want to find water to drink, you shouldn’t drink from L.A. pond, you should drink from a river or something like that. So the the image of the lotus flower is important because Hindus and Buddhists would say, you know, we need to be like the lotus flower. The lotus flower is able to just sort of rest on top of the muddy water and bloom and be beautiful and sort of rise above it. All right. So same as like we as human beings, the world is dirty, the world is muddy. The world is full of temptation and stress and chaos. But we should learn to just sort of rise above it. Right, to to rest above it, be still, be calm, be beautiful and be pure and not sort of get, you know, get ourselves muddy with all of the stress and chaos and, you know, and desires of this world. So so that’s why she has her foot on the lotus flower there. And as you if you look at more Eastern art that comes from Hindu or Buddhist cultures, you’ll notice a lot of lotus flowers. And it’s because of this very important symbolism of what the lotus flower represents. It’s the goal of humanity. We should be as the lotus flower is. OK, so that’s all for Saraswati. And then next, we’ll talk about Vishnu. All right, so now we’re going to talk about Vishnu, who is the second member of the true Murti, and he is the sustainer or maintain or God, so he sustains and maintains life. And what that means, basically, is that Vishnu loves humanity. He loves human beings, and he wants to sustain or maintain them. So really, he’s sort of seen as like the god of love, the god of kindness, because he loves human beings so much. He is in a way, he’s kind of like humans or humanity’s savior because he he comes in and saves them in order to sustain or maintain them when they need it. So so for Vishnu. So how this plays out is Hindus believe that whenever humans need him, whenever humans are in need of sort of like divine assistance or divine intervention, Vishnu comes to the world and he helps us. He saves us basically. So the belief in Hinduism is that Vishnu has come to the Earth nine times as avatars. He has nine avatars, nine different times that he’s come to the world and he comes as either an animal or a human being. And he saves us. He helps us when we need it the most. And there are there are definitely different understandings in Hinduism. As I said, the nine times are sort of nine main times that there are stories attached to his avatars. But there are some Hindus definitely believe that there there have been far more avatars of Vishnu. There’s just no way that we can know how many times Vishnu has come into the world in order to save us. But traditionally, there are nine avatars and each of them have like stories attached to them. And we’ve actually already learned about one of his avatars, which was musty at the fish, if you remember, from the story of munu. Right. So in that story. Right. Humanity needs saving. Humanity is about to be wiped out because the other gods believe that humans are not good and they want to restart the human race. So that’s a time that Vishnu decides to save human beings. And he he comes into the world. He’s born as a fish. And he helped save money and his family so that they can restart the human race. So there are there are many other of these stories, right? There’s nine total of these stories of Vishnu’s avatars. And a lot of Hindus actually believe that the Buddha. Right. We haven’t studied Buddhism yet, but most of you probably know that Buddhism revolves around the teachings of Buddha, of a man named Siddhartha Gautama who became enlightened. And many Hindus actually believe that Buddha was an avatar Vishnu, that he also came into the world at a time when when humans needed they needed saving and his teachings helped to save help to save society, hope to save human beings. So for many Hindus, they see no no contradiction in following the teachings of the Buddha and still maintaining their Hindu religious identity. So. So, yeah. So there’s many of these stories, right, about Vishnu’s different avatars, but definitely the most popular avatar, Vishnu, the most well known is that of Krishna. And you may have heard of Krishna before because you may be familiar with the group, the Hari Krishnas. They are they are sort of a denomination of Hinduism that focuses on Krishna. But Krishna is an avatar of Vishnu and Krishna is a special avatar, Vishnu, because it’s the only avatar where he’s born as a human being and he lives an entire life here in this world among us. So he’s he’s born, you know, from a woman. And, you know, so he comes into the world as a baby and he lives an entire lifetime, you know, here among us, among human beings. And there’s lots of stories about sort of the entire life arc of Vishnu, their stories about him as a little kid, as a baby, as a young boy, as a young man. And so, like some of the one of the stories is, you know, when Vishnu was born or sorry, when Krishna was born, he was supposed to be like he’s like the cutest baby that anyone has ever seen. He’s just so adorable. And his mother doesn’t know that she’s given birth to a God. She doesn’t know that her son is a god. And they’re you know, Krishna was supposed to be like a very mischievous child. And he was always getting into the butter. He was always eating butter. So it sounds a little strange, but he was always eating the butter. And so his mother came home one day and, you know, she could see that Krishna has, like, butter smeared all over his face and, you know. She says, you know, Krishna, have you been eating butter again, and he says, no, no, you know. Mm hmm. And she says, open your mouth and let me see. Right. Because she you know, she thinks she has a mouth full of butter. And so he opens his mouth and his mother sees the entire universe inside his mouth. And that’s how she realizes that she’s given birth to a God, that her son is actually God. So there’s lots of different stories like this throughout the lifetime of Krishna. And just as he’s you know, he’s supposed to be this incredibly adorable little boy when he grows up. He’s supposed to be very, very handsome. Right. He’s incredibly good looking. And all the women in his town, you know, are, you know, swoon for him. They’re all there. They all love him. And then there is this whole sort of set of stories, though, about that he falls in love with the local girl named Radha. And Radha is his sort of his his love, his soulmate. She falls in love with him, too. And there’s this whole sort of genre of stories, as well as poetry, love, poetry, about the love between Radha and Krishna and how sort of perfectly, you know, in union and, you know, love that they had for each other. And it is in a sense, it’s actually kind of like erotic poetry, erotic, romantic love, poetry. But for Hindus, it’s spiritual because the idea is that the love that Radha has for Krishna, how she you know, she loves him, she’s devoted to him. She yearns for him. Those feelings are how people should feel about God, right. That they should love God and yearn to be with God, to be in God’s presence, to, you know, to be with God, to be in union with God. So it’s it’s spiritual poetry in Hinduism that they that Hindus are supposed to emulate Radha and the love that she has for Krishna and everyone’s love for God. It’s it’s how they’re supposed to feel about God, God himself, God itself. So that’s a little bit about Vishnu. And Vishnu, as you might imagine, is very popular. Right. He’s the god of love, the god of compassion. And he has all these avatars. He has all these stories attached to him. So he is a very popular deity in Hinduism. And I should also add that they said there there are sort of nine traditional stories about his avatars, but the belief in Hinduism is that he will come back a tenth time, so he will come back one more time in the course of our, you know, the existence of our world, the existence of our universe, that there will be a time in the future when we desperately need him. We desperately need help, divine intervention. And that’s when Vishnu will come back again. So he’ll come back as a 10th avatar to save us one last time before this world. The end of this world comes.
  • All right, so now we’re going to discuss this news, wife or companion or consort, who is the goddess Lakshmi and Lakshmi also loves human beings, right? Remember that Vishnu is the sustainer. God is because he loves humanity. So he wants to save them to sustain their life. So Lakshmi, she also has a love for humanity and but she manifests that love for humanity by giving human beings what they want most. So she is the goddess of wealth. She’s the goddess of prosperity. And she’s the goddess of fertility. Because these are the things that most human beings want. Right? They want to be they want to make money. They want to be comfortable. They want to have prosperity or good fortune. Good luck. Just good things come into their lives. And she’s also the goddess of fertility. Right. So so people who want to have a family, who want to have children. So. So she is the goddess that gives human being. She loves human beings. So she wants to help them. She wants to give them what they want in life the most. And you can see here in her iconography. Right. She she’s also standing on a lotus. Right. So it’s very common among, you know, images of Hindu, especially Hindu goddesses that they’re portrayed standing on lotuses with lotuses. She’s usually also depicted with you can see she has like gold coins in her hand. She’s dropping gold coins and then behind her, you know, it’s just very lavish and gold and rich and opulent. Right, because she’s the goddess of wealth. So if you write if you want to make more money, if you want to be more comfortable, you would ask Lakshmi for help with that. And then she also you can also see the two elephants behind her. And elephants are a symbol of good luck in Eastern culture. So that’s what she is usually depicted with elephants. You can see the two elephants and then there’s some sort of gold like ornamental elephants up near the top and fertility. Right. So she’s she’s also the goddess. Goddess of fertility, helps families or helps couples who want to have children or have more children. And as you might expect, she’s very popular. Right, because these are things that a lot of people want at some point in their lives. They want to make more money. They want to have a family. They want, you know, just prosperity, good fortune, good luck. They want things to go well for them. So so that’s what Lakshmi is for. And that’s why she’s, of course, a very popular goddess. There are a lot of people who are devoted to Lakshmi or, you know, over the course of their lives at some point or points in their lifetime. They’ll ask Lakshmi for her help. And it’s important to note here, I usually get a question from students when we’re in person, they say, well, wait a minute, I thought that in Hinduism, right. We want to overcome our desire for the things of this world, that that’s the goal. Right. But, you know, wealth and prosperity and fertility, those are the things of this world. So why is it that Lakshmi, you know, is giving people more of that? It seems like it would lead to more desire. And we’re going to talk more about this in after we finish going through all the gods and goddesses. But it’s important to know that in Hinduism, it’s understood that there’s no shortcuts to that goal. Right. The eventual goal is moksha. The eventual goal is to get to a point, to get to a lifetime where we realize that the things of this world can never satisfy us. All that can satisfy us is Brahman is union with God, and that’s all we desire. But it takes a really long time to get there. And the understanding in Hinduism is that you cannot come to an understanding that the things of this world will not satisfy you unless you’ve tried to find satisfaction in the things of this world. Right. You have to you have to try it. You have to try all these things before you can realize that how like truly realize. Right. How empty they are, how superficial they are and how they will never fully satisfy you. Right. The only thing that will satisfy you is the infinite is the eternal is God. So Lakshmi is actually helping people. She’s helping people by giving them what they want so that they can enjoy these things, get as much as they want of these things, and then ultimately come to the realization that money, money, good fortune and family, those are wonderful things. But they’ll never fully satisfy you, right? If only the infinite only God will satisfy you. So there’s no shortcuts. You have to experience the things of this world before you can understand that the things of this world will never satisfy you. So that’s Lakshmi. A bit about her, and then finally, we’ll go into Shiva, the god of destruction.
  • All right, so last we’re going to talk about Carly and Carly is the female companion or consort or wife of Chiva, although it’s important to remember. Right. So all of these gods and goddesses, they have whole mythologies about them, stories about their life, their past, their, you know, their personalities, things like that. And because Chiva is the god of fertility, there are stories of Shiva with sort of multiple goddesses. So Kali is one of his female companions, one of his female consorts, but not not the only one that he’s associated with. So Kali is just as Shiva was, the god of death and destruction. Kali is the goddess of death and destruction. And you can probably guess that by her appearance. So if you notice Kali Kali is usually portrayed in this very kind of, you know, scary and terrifying way. Her skin is usually a very dark blue or dark gray. Her name can translate to the dark one or the black one. She usually has her tongue out. Right. And oftentimes pictures of her, her tongue is actually dripping blood. She has a big sword in her hand that has blood. She’s holding the head of a demon. Right, similar to that demon that Shiva was dancing on. So she’s, like, just decapitated him with her sword. She’s holding a trident. You see, her necklace is actually a garland of decapitated demon heads. And if you look closely, you can notice that her skirt is actually made up of arms. So, you know, chopped up arms or chopped off arms. And again, the the head, the decapitated head, the arms, they’re supposed to come from demons like demon figures. So they represent evil. Right. So she is in in one sense in terms of her mythology. Kali is actually known as an intense warrior. She is a fearsome warrior. And she’s actually believed to be like the best warrior of all the gods and goddesses in the Hindu pantheon. And this scene, this is a very common way she’s depicted is actually in the middle of a battle scene. Right, because you can see behind her, you know, little figures of people fighting. So she is a fearsome warrior and she will also just like Shiva, right? She will destroy that, which is bad. Right. So she’s always portrayed as having these sort of decapitated, decapitated, you know, arms and skulls. But they’re of demon figures there of that, which is bad. So she’s also related to that, maybe somewhat surprisingly related to that. Cullis actually seen as a loving, protective mother, she is oftentimes viewed by her worshippers as the mother. Sorry. So Kali is she’s considered a protective, loving mother. She’s viewed by her devotees as sometimes she’s called the mother of India, the mother of the world, the mother of the universe. So she balances these two roles. Right. She’s a fearsome warrior, but she’s also a loving, protective mother. And those go together because Kali is really seen as someone who if you are devoted to her, right. If she is your Ishita, she is like your mother. She is your loving, protective mother. And she will protect her devotees. Right. So she will do anything to protect her devotees. So if you think of. Right. What a mother would do. Right, what would a mother do if her children were being threatened. Right. If her children were being harmed, she would do anything to protect her children. Right. She would. You know, if if it came down to it, she would she would physically protect her children. Right. We have we have kind of a word, a term Murfreesboro in English. Right. Like the mama bear that she you know, she is very loving, but she will also also become that fearsome warrior if it means protecting her children. So that’s how Collie is seen in Hindu mythology. Right. She will destroy what is hurting her devotees. Right. Whether it’s temptation, whether it’s desire, whether it’s sort of an evil influence in their life. She will come into your life and take care of that for you. She will help you to overcome those things in your life. So that’s how she’s seen in Hinduism. She’s also a very popular goddess, especially because she is sort of seen as this this mother of India type figure. So she’s also just like Shiva. She’s a very, very popular goddess, both by men and women. So her her devotees are not just women. Her devotees are men as well, and kind of even in terms of numbers for that. OK, so those are the Hindu gods and goddesses that we’re going to go through. So you get to see a little bit more about them personally, right. That you can see a little bit better that they each have their own story, their own persona, their own personality for people to connect to, for people to fall in love with so that they can have that stepping stone into understanding, you know, the enormity, the vastness, the infinity that is Brahman.
  • All right, so last we’re going to talk about Carly and Carly is the female companion or consort or wife of Chiva, although it’s important to remember. Right. So all of these gods and goddesses, they have whole mythologies about them, stories about their life, their past, their, you know, their personalities, things like that. And because Chiva is the god of fertility, there are stories of Shiva with sort of multiple goddesses. So Kali is one of his female companions, one of his female consorts, but not not the only one that he’s associated with. So Kali is just as Shiva was, the god of death and destruction. Kali is the goddess of death and destruction. And you can probably guess that by her appearance. So if you notice Kali Kali is usually portrayed in this very kind of, you know, scary and terrifying way. Her skin is usually a very dark blue or dark gray. Her name can translate to the dark one or the black one. She usually has her tongue out. Right. And oftentimes pictures of her, her tongue is actually dripping blood. She has a big sword in her hand that has blood. She’s holding the head of a demon. Right, similar to that demon that Shiva was dancing on. So she’s, like, just decapitated him with her sword. She’s holding a trident. You see, her necklace is actually a garland of decapitated demon heads. And if you look closely, you can notice that her skirt is actually made up of arms. So, you know, chopped up arms or chopped off arms. And again, the the head, the decapitated head, the arms, they’re supposed to come from demons like demon figures. So they represent evil. Right. So she is in in one sense in terms of her mythology. Kali is actually known as an intense warrior. She is a fearsome warrior. And she’s actually believed to be like the best warrior of all the gods and goddesses in the Hindu pantheon. And this scene, this is a very common way she’s depicted is actually in the middle of a battle scene. Right, because you can see behind her, you know, little figures of people fighting. So she is a fearsome warrior and she will also just like Shiva, right? She will destroy that, which is bad. Right. So she’s always portrayed as having these sort of decapitated, decapitated, you know, arms and skulls. But they’re of demon figures there of that, which is bad. So she’s also related to that, maybe somewhat surprisingly related to that. Cullis actually seen as a loving, protective mother, she is oftentimes viewed by her worshippers as the mother. Sorry. So Kali is she’s considered a protective, loving mother. She’s viewed by her devotees as sometimes she’s called the mother of India, the mother of the world, the mother of the universe. So she balances these two roles. Right. She’s a fearsome warrior, but she’s also a loving, protective mother. And those go together because Kali is really seen as someone who if you are devoted to her, right. If she is your Ishita, she is like your mother. She is your loving, protective mother. And she will protect her devotees. Right. So she will do anything to protect her devotees. So if you think of. Right. What a mother would do. Right, what would a mother do if her children were being threatened. Right. If her children were being harmed, she would do anything to protect her children. Right. She would. You know, if if it came down to it, she would she would physically protect her children. Right. We have we have kind of a word, a term Murfreesboro in English. Right. Like the mama bear that she you know, she is very loving, but she will also also become that fearsome warrior if it means protecting her children. So that’s how Collie is seen in Hindu mythology. Right. She will destroy what is hurting her devotees. Right. Whether it’s temptation, whether it’s desire, whether it’s sort of an evil influence in their life. She will come into your life and take care of that for you. She will help you to overcome those things in your life. So that’s how s
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    Fill in all the assignment paper details that are required in the order form with the standard information being the page count, deadline, academic level and type of paper. It is advisable to have this information at hand so that you can quickly fill in the necessary information needed in the form for the essay writer to be immediately assigned to your writing project. Make payment for the custom essay order to enable us to assign a suitable writer to your order. Payments are made through Paypal on a secured billing page. Finally, sit back and relax.

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