hospitality management


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Assignment Details:

You are being given the task of writing an informal business report explaining the importance of soft skills in the hospitality industry.

Explain how soft skills play a role in the hospitality industry.

  • List, define and discuss three soft skills (using Examples of Soft Skills in Figure 1-2 in Chapter 1-Professionalism from the Soft Skills in the Workplace eText) that you believe are vital in the hospitality industry. For example, Respectfulness. You would define what that means and discuss why it is an important soft skill to have using examples. (Do NOT use this example in your assignment).
  • Using your current or previous employment, give three recent detailed examples of situations you have encountered where using your soft skills has helped solve a problem. Please be detailed in your explanations including where, when, what the situation was, what soft skill you used and how your soft skill has helped.

This is to show your understanding of how you would write a report and the importance of soft skills in the hospitality industry.

Assignment Layout:

Informal Reports typically follow the format of and should be organized in the below format for this assignment. The below heading names are not required in the assignment (proper paragraph separation of the below is):Purpose/Background: A short section introducing the reader to the “why” of the report. In more complex reports, the introduction may include a background, a problem statement, specific objectives, or all of the above.

Key Points (Conclusions or Recommendations): This section is only found in analytical reports (which this report assignment will be); it shows how data supports the recommendation given in the report. Essentially, the author connects the logical data items in a way that points to the recommendation. Remember, the readers are expecting a recommendation with supporting data; they’re not expecting to work through all the data on their own.

Discussion of Findings/Support or Reasons: This is where you’ll include your facts, findings, and data. The purpose of this section of the report is to present a summary of the main ideas from the research—it’s not simply a collection of raw data.

Conclusion: This is the short section at the end of your report summarizing your information.

Assignment Requirements:

  • Add a Title Page to this assignment with all information required under the APA @ Conestoga format.
  • Submit in a Word document in APA@Conestoga format through eConestoga under Written Assignment # 2 by the due date.
  • Your report is required to be between 750-1000 words in length. It is to be double-spaced. You can also include pictures and any additional graphics to make the report more visually appealing.
  • All sources are to be cited and referenced in APA@Conestoga format as with all assignments. I have provided the link as a reminder
Explanation & Answer

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