HSA 515 healthcare policy, laws and ethics


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Week 3 Assignment – Health Care Law and Violation Analysis

Due: Mon Oct 23, 2023 9:00amUngraded, 105 Possible Points105 Possible Points

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Available after Oct 1, 2023 12:00am


The field of health law is experiencing significant change. This change presents administrators with numerous legal challenges related to electronic health records (EHRs), outcome-based payments, mergers, fraud, insurance disbursements, antitrust laws, as well as the ethical and privacy implications of disruptive medical innovations in biotechnology and treatment research.

To be a proficient health care administrator, it is crucial to possess a thorough understanding of key health care laws, including:

The primary objective of this assignment is to provide a clear and comprehensive analysis of a health care law and a court case while offering practical recommendations to organizational leadership.


In this assignment, you will take on the role of an administrator in a hospital or health care organization who is being considered for a promotion. To improve your chances for promotion, you are encouraged to prepare a report for senior leadership that demonstrates your knowledge and interpretation of one of the health care laws mentioned above and to examine a violation of that law.


Choose one of the health care laws listed above and research a court case where a violation of that law occurred.


Prepare a 5-page report in which you:

  1. Analyze the chosen health care law using the SESC formula (State, Explain, Support, and Conclude), considering its effects on the health care system, stakeholders, and delivery of services. In your analysis, evaluate the practical, legal, ethical, financial, and operational implications resulting from the law’s implementation.
  2. Analyze the selected court case where the health care law was violated using the SESC formula.
  3. Examine the steps that organizational leadership in the chosen court case could take to proactively prevent future violations of the health care law.
  4. Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed articles less than 5 years old to support your analysis, including in-text citations. Use proper SWS formatting.
  5. Meet clarity, writing mechanics, and SWS formatting requirements.

Formatting Requirements

  • Subheadings: Use bold subheadings to divide the report into sections that correspond to the areas listed in the instructions.
  • Length: Ensure that your report consists of a minimum of 5 pages, plus a title page and sources page, making the total length of the report approximately 7-8 pages.
  • Citations: This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Assess legal situations involving patients, providers, and health care personnel, using case or statutory law to guide leaders’ decision-making.

Week 3 Assignment – Health Care Law and Violation Analysis
Week 3 Assignment – Health Care Law and Violation Analysis
Criteria Ratings Pts
Analyze the chosen health care law using the SESC formula (State, Explain, Support, and Conclude), considering its effects on the health care system, stakeholders, and delivery of services.

31.5 to >28.35 pts


Analyzed the chosen health care law using the SESC formula, considering its effects on the health care system, stakeholders, and delivery of services.

28.35 to >25.2 pts


Analyzed the chosen health care law using the SESC formula, considering its effects on one or two of the following – the health care system, stakeholders, or delivery of services.

25.2 to >22.05 pts

Needs Improvement

Analyzed the chosen health care law, but did not use the SESC formula.

22.05 to >0 pts


Did not analyze the chosen health care law.

/ 31.5 pts

Analyze the selected court case where the health care law was violated using the SESC formula.

31.5 to >28.35 pts


Analyzed the selected court case where the health care law was violated using the SESC formula.

28.35 to >25.2 pts


Analyzed the selected court case where the health care law was violated but did not use the SESC formula.

25.2 to >22.05 pts

Needs Improvement

Described but did not analyze the selected court case where the health care law was violated.

22.05 to >0 pts


Did not describe the selected court case.

/ 31.5 pts

Examine the steps that organizational leadership in the chosen court case could take to proactively prevent future violations of the health care law.

26.25 to >23.62 pts


Examined the steps that organizational leadership in the chosen court case could take to proactively prevent future violations of the health care law.

23.62 to >21 pts


Examined steps that organizational leadership in the chosen court case could take to prevent future violations of the health care law, but did not emphasize proactive measures.

21 to >18.37 pts

Needs Improvement

Described but did not examine steps the organizational leadership in the chosen court case could take to prevent future violations of the health care law.

18.37 to >0 pts


Did not describe steps the organizational leadership in the chosen court case could take to prevent future violations of the health care law.

/ 26.25 pts

Cite at least three peer-reviewed articles less than five years old to support your analysis, including in-text citations.

10.5 to >9.45 pts


Cited at least three peer-reviewed articles less than five years old to support the analysis, including in-text citations.

9.45 to >8.4 pts


Cited at least three peer-reviewed articles to support the analysis, including in-text citations.

8.4 to >7.35 pts

Needs Improvement

Cited at least three articles to support the analysis.

7.35 to >0 pts


Did not cite at least three articles.

/ 10.5 pts

Meet clarity, writing mechanics, and SWS formatting requirements.

5.25 to >4.72 pts


Met clarity, writing mechanics, and SWS formatting requirements.

4.72 to >4.2 pts


Met writing mechanics and SWS formatting requirements, but the content is unclear or disorganized.

4.2 to >3.67 pts

Needs Improvement

Met writing mechanics requirements, but the content is unclear or disorganized and does not follow SWS formatting.

3.67 to >0 pts


Did not meet clarity, writing mechanics, nor SWS formatting requirements.

/ 5.25 pts

Total Points: 0

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