HSA6000CBE SWOT Analysis for a mHealth Solution in Community Health


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Evaluate various technologies, systems, and applications needed to achieve optimal clinical and business performance outcomes.


A director within a large integrated health network has expressed interest for a mHealth solution for her community-based patient population. She wants to ensure this solution could integrate with other health systems in the network. Her team wants to collect blood pressure data for newly diagnosed hypertensive patients requiring daily monitoring. A mHealth solution could reduce resource costs for the number of face-to-face visits required by nurses and improve patient outcomes with continuous monitoring. As a new intern at this health network, investigate one mHealth solution that could meet the director’s needs. Use the module readings, lectures and your own research to select the solution and provide support for the analysis. The director requests your results in the form of a SWOT analysis with discussion on how it will achieve improved clinical and business performance outcomes.


Create a SWOT Analysis that includes:

  • Description of a selected mHealth solution including why it was chosen for this patient population.
  • SWOT Analysis Model that bullets the items to be included in the subsequent analysis and discussions.
  • Discussion of the outcome analysis of the strengths and opportunities for having this type of clinical data collected from a patient in the community.
  • Discussion of the outcomes analysis of the threats/weaknesses on integrating community-based data into large integrated health network systems (e.g., clinical, financial, administrative).
  • Reference page of resources utilized.

Grading criterion

  • Comprehensive description of a selected mHealth solution including why it was chosen for this patient population, including multiple examples and supporting details.
  • Clear and thorough SWOT Analysis Model that bullets the items to be included in the subsequent analysis and discussions.
  • Clear and thorough discussion of the outcome analysis of the strengths and opportunities for having this kind of clinical data collected from a patient in the community including multiple examples and supporting details.
  • Clear and thorough discussion of the outcome analysis of the threats/weaknesses on integrating community-based data into large integrated health network systems, including multiple examples and supporting details.
  • Reference page contains almost no formatting errors and all sources are scholarly and academic.
Explanation & Answer

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