Human Resources for Public & Non-profit Management


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Organization Compensation (Paper 2)

Each student will write a 1500-word paper that evaluates a modern organization compensation package and how it is utilized to attract, retain, and promote employees. The organization can be an organization that the student is affiliated with or an organization in which the student desires to learn more about. The organization cannot be the same as the one previously evaluated in Assignment 1

Written exams grading criteria:

Systematic, comprehensive research (especially assigned texts — think in terms of

reference to a minimum of three different sources)

Write professionally.

Cite sources in text, correctly.

Logical, coherent, balanced argument

Well used tables/ graphs (bonus)

Follow instructions (debits)


Papers are to be double spaced with 1 inch margins.

Papers to be written using 12 pt. font (Arial or Times New Roman)

Papers need to be formatted and cited per APA, 6th Edition

Save paper. Do include your name, course number, assignment name, title of the paper and all that at the beginning of the paper, but you needn’t do this on a separate page.

o Especially if you submit the paper electronically, feel free to single space. I can use the comment function in MS Word to insert comments.

Write professionally.

Rule of thumb #1: identify the issue, state the question, identify the main theme, etc.

o Tell your reader in the first paragraph, if not the first line, your purpose: what is the central message of the paper. If you can’t identify a central message, rethink the paper!

Do this as clearly as possible, with a “This paper will…” statement, if necessary?

o Also, close the introduction with a brief summary of how the argument will proceed.

Rule of thumb #2: use a professional tone. Don’t force it. Some tips:

o Do not use first person (e.g. I, my, we, our), or second person (you, your). Use third person. In a professional context you most often are not writing for yourself, you are writing on behalf of an organization, to an impersonal audience.

o Learn the difference between there, they’re, and their; your and you’re; and its and it’s.

o Learn the difference between possessive apostrophes and plural.

o Beware singular/plural inconsistency (e.g. The student lost points for singular/plural consistency in their paper).

o Do not use contractions (e.g. don’t).

o Avoid rhetorical questions (e.g. Why is this the case?).

o Avoid starting a sentence with a conjunction (e.g. The paper was bad. And she started a sentence with and.).

o Get used to gender neutral usages.

Write for an informed lay person on the street, rather than for experts, the uninformed, or your class professor. So do not assume that your reader is in this class, and will know who Professor Harris is, or what we discussed in week three.

Use quotations sparingly. This is meant to be a paper by you, not a collection of selected quotes that you thought were especially relevant to the topic. As a rule of thumb, no more than 10% of your work should be direct quotations.

Otherwise: self explanatory. I have some writing sources listed at the end of the ‘Research’ page on the class website.

The paper must contain at least three references.

Please focus on all I attached you.

Please focus on this paper because the grade about this paper 35.


Explanation & Answer

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