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Disc 3: Examining the Professional Nurse Role (Initial & Response Posts Due) – Dr. Ray


In a presidential call to action Cathy Catrambone, PhD, RN, FAAN, called all members of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) to “Influence to Advance Global Health & Nursing”Links to an external site. in four areas: 1) advocacy, 2) policy, 3) lifelong learning, and 4) philanthropy (Burke, 2016). This discussion post will focus on the areas of advocacy and policy.

To be influential, nurses must see themselves as professionals with the capacity and responsibility to influence current and future healthcare delivery systems. The nursing profession is based on the science of human health and the science of caring. It operates from a framework that values all people in a holistic way and seeks to foster and advance people’s health throughout their lifespans and across all levels of society. Advancing health requires advocating for resources impacting communities and individuals to establish equitable healthcare policy.

As you know, there are barriers to nurse involvement in the political process.

  • In your own words, thoughtfully and thoroughly, discuss how you, and nurses as a group, can influence the political process. Identify specific ways in which a nurse can help impact healthcare policies using the political process. Explain why it is important to collaborate with other members of the healthcare team (interprofessional collaboration) in doing so. Explore the construct of professionalism in relation to embracing the responsibility of this endeavor and analyze the challenges and obstacles involved in doing so.
  • Refer to the attached assignment rubric for specifics regarding word count, reference requirements, etc. Preferred references are less than 5 years old; however, exceptions to the 5 year date can be made in regards to hallmark or gold standard sources. Ex: Institute of Medicine. (2010). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. https://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=12956…


  • Respond to one peer by discussing any aspect you wish to discuss. However, your response should follow the response post assignment rubric attached to this discussion.


  • APA formatting will be used for discussion posts. Unfortunately, the Canvas discussion forum does not lend itself to setting up your narrative to APA formatting in regards to margins and indentations. However, you are required to comply with APA format in regards to all other components, i.e., grammar, spelling, complete sentences, proper use of headings, correct citations and reference sequencing, and use of capitalization and italics.
  • Do not write a formal paper with title, abstract or reference pages. You must use headings to delineate sections of your narrative that speak to the question(s). Be brief, yet concise, when answering the questions and include citations to support your statements.
  • Reference all sources you’ve cited within your answers at the end of your narrative. It is required that you use two current, scholarly resources.
  • Do not upload a document, if you do so this will not be graded. It is best for you to write your discussion post as a Word document and cut and paste it into the discussion post. Many students have reported losing their work after typing within the Canvas discussion board. Of course, this meant the student had no saved copy and had to re-do the assignment.

Rubric: 10to >7.0 pts


The initial post is excellent and meets all discussion guidelines. The posting directly answers all of the questions and is thought provoking and genuinely engages the material. Narrative word count is 300 minimum words. Excellent organization, grammar and spelling. No more than 10% of writing is directly quoted. APA citation and references have only one to three errors. One (1) current, scholarly nursing reference.

Explanation & Answer

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