Information Technology Question


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Week 2 Professional Assignment 1 :

Phase 1 – Background, Business Justification, and Project Introduction

The opening phase to your project provides information about the organization you have selected, including details about the current status and existing issue(s) you plan to address in your project. This serves as the foundation for why the project is needed and business justification in seeking executive approval for the project. You will present your recommendation for work to be done to provide a technical solution addressing the problem(s) identified. Write your full paper in a formal tone in a manner that presents it to the business leadership for their approval. This chapter should be at least 6 pages in length and will include at least 3 citations and references

Week 3 Professional Assignment 2:

Project Research and Annotated Bibliography

In order to make a recommendation to the business for the best technological solution to meet their needs, thorough research must be performed. For this assignment, based on your specific project needs, research a minimum of 3-4 different options. Create an annotated bibliography, and provide a brief summary of what the option offers. This will be used when writing phase two of your capstone project. All references must be in proper APA 6 format. Include a cover page for your assignment. A references page is not required as you must provide each full reference within your paper for each annotated bibliography source.

Week 4 Professional Assignment 3 :

Phase 2 – Research and Recommendation

Using the sources provided in your annotated bibliography, as well as any additional research you have performed, write the second phase of your project summarizing your research and providing your recommendation. Describe the decision criteria used in deciding upon your recommended solution. Write your full paper in a formal tone and in a manner that presents it to the business leadership for their approval. Provide enough details that both a technical and a business leader would be able to understand what your solution is and how it will function. Do not go overboard on technical specifications for equipment to be acquired or in the programming language or coding. This chapter should be at least 6 pages in length. You are welcome to add this chapter to your original phase 1 assignment so that you continue to build your full project paper.

Week 5 Professional Assignment 4 :

Phase 3 – Project Design

This chapter will provide the full details for the proposed project solution. This is really the ‘meat’ of your project. Details for this section will include all information needed to make the solution work. For example, if you are writing a program or designing a set of web pages, this section will include brief detailed descriptions, mock-ups, or functioning code. This chapter will also include full written descriptions regarding the functionality of your solution. For example, if you are designing a network solution, it will include diagrams for network connectivity. If you are writing a security solution, it will include written details about the security equipment, software, tools, or other methods that need to be implemented. It should also include any required budget information to help business leaders plan. This section should be between 7 pages in length. You are welcome to add this chapter to your ongoing assignments so that you continue to build your full project paper.

Week 6 Professional Assignment 5 :

Phase 4 – Implementation

This chapter lays out the full implementation plan for your project. This includes the project schedule with the individual project tasks and timelines. For example, if you are recommending a network upgrade solution, this chapter provides the expected timeline for things like building wiring, acquisition of networking hardware, programming of switches and routers, setup of firewalls, connection of WiFi access points, etc. It will include any training required for use or administration. If you are doing a program or web design solution, your implementation plan would include the breakdown of different program components, perhaps following the Agile or another methodology, as well as examples of code or web page framework. This chapter should be 6 pages in length. Add this chapter to your ongoing assignments so that you continue to build your full project paper.

Phase 5 – Ongoing Maintenance and Recommendations

This chapter discusses the ongoing maintenance of the newly implemented project solution and how it will be supported going forward. This may include any training of technical support staff, disaster recovery plans, facilities management, software updates, etc. If there are any additional recommendations for future work to be performed after the completion of this project, address those recommendations here. For example, if you have proposed a network upgrade, then following the completion of this project; you may also want to recommend a full WiFi implementation as the next project. If you chose to write a program or web development solution, you might include how software updates, patches, or fixing will be done; how future releases may be provided; or how the web site may be managed and updated for relevancy. This chapter should be 6 pages in length. Add this chapter to your ongoing assignments so that you continue to build your full project paper.

Explanation & Answer

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