Information Technology Question


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Paper Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge of key terms andconcepts from the course materials and related readings. You will need toconduct additional research in other to answer the question(s) asked. The focusof your paper is to concentrate on the ethical concerns. Time spent on anytechnical math or science concerns is to be kept to a minimum. Your answersmust devote much of the paper to an examination of the ethical issues, theoriesand solutions. At least five (5) additional primary reference sources must be used andappropriately cited according to the APA style guide. Cites and quotes arenecessary. Appropriate reference sources include case law, scholarly researchpapers, articles published in academic journals or government websites, but not personal webpages or Wikipedia. Traditional news articles may be used if necessary to provide appropriate context. Submission of this Assignment must be made by the date and time indicated above in either Word or PDF format. Failure to submit on time, or in an improper format will not be accepted. Focus:
The purpose of the paper is to develop a response to the ethical issues … not to restate the technical problems. A suggested breakdown of the paper is to have only one third of the content cover the technical engineering issues, and the remainder to discuss the ethical issues, the failures and solutions. In presenting the solutions, students are to consider what obviously what went wrong and how the engineers involved in the scandal performed their duties, did or did not follow corporate policy or other regulations, if criminal laws were broken … and how, if management was changed, new policies and procedures could be implemented to prevent a repeat of the disaster/tragedy/controversy. Just as in the Discussions, a review of the corporate culture and the breakdown in communication is necessary. Commentary and opinion matter … but, critically, there is a need for offering solutions backed up by use of the readings and references. A successful paper will review the issues and make use of the key terms and concepts from the readings. Each stakeholder will be mentioned, their perspective examined and, again, solutions will be offered.
You are to apply the process of ethical analysis and apply theoretical ethical principles to the Boeing 737 Max case. Outside research will be necessary.

You are to answer the following questions:

1. What were the technical problems in the case?

2. Who were the stakeholders in the case?

3. What were the ethical problems in the case?

4. What were the engineers’ responses to the ethical problems?

5. What were the corporate responses to the ethical problems?

6. What professional codes or standards were implicated?

7. What was the role of government oversight or regulation?

8. What are your recommendations about the 737 Max case?

9. How could it have been prevented? A reminder again to cite and quote heavily.

Consider the following references:

Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers…
737 MAX Engineer Says Team Was Pressured To Cut Costs AsGrounding Continues…

former Boeing 737 Max engineer said he was ‘incredibly pressurized’ to keep costs down and downplay new features to avoid FAA scrutiny…

engineer breaks silence on Boeing’s MAX 737. Read this letter…
Implementing and Ethics Program
Ethics Audit
Strategic Importance of Ethics Auditing

Explanation & Answer

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