leadership case analysis


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This case analysis provides the opportunity to apply concepts, theories, and frameworks from the content on culture and climate. Culture can be viewed and examined at several levels and from different perspectives. We’ve discussed national, organizational, unit/workplace, and occupational cultures. We’ve also read articles on leadership, motivation, and decision-making that have touched on the role of culture in those areas. The overarching objective is to use the Westjet case as a context for applying and discussing the role of culture (again, defined very expansively and in many forms) in an organization.

Here are the specific parameters of the assignment:

1.Cases: Use the “Westjet” case as material for this thought exercise.

2.Articles and Slides: You should focus on the five articles we have read on culture, using those as the main source of material to apply in your analysis. However, given that culture and climate have been mentioned in many other of our readings – particularly the five included in the first topic of “Strategic Leadership”, feel free to draw on that content as well. Also, note the slides on Climate and Culture, which provide some additional/complementary background material.

3.Objective: Discuss the role that culture and climate have played in Westjet’s formation, growth, success, and reputation. Note: although there are other aspects we could discuss, particularly their strategy and business model, please focus your analysis on the elements of climate and culture.

4.Specifics: Address the following questions specifically, using each as a section heading to structure your discussion.

a.The Role of Culture in Westjet’s Success: begin by discussing in general the role of culture and climate. To what degree are these central to the firm’s competitive advantage? Explain – how and why?

b.Specific Culture/Climate Elements: Identify and discuss several specific elements of the firm’s culture and climate that are particularly significant. These can be specific practices, routines, value/norms, etc. Discuss/explain how/why these things are vehicles for establishing, reinforcing, and maintaining the firm’s culture.

c.Structure and Culture/Climate: Then discuss how culture and structure interact and serve to complement and reinforce one another. Note how particular aspects of the firm’s structure and design are extensions of its culture and values.

d.Leadership and Culture/Climate: What role have the firm’s founders/leaders played in all this? How central are they to the firm’s culture? To what degree can/should a firm’s culture be tied to its leadership?

e.Culture/Climate Challenges: Now consider some of the challenges the firm faces as it grows. What are some of the pressures on its culture and climate? To what degree can or should they try to maintain their culture? Are some practices more expendable than others? What can change and what cannot if they want to continue their success?

f.The Dark Side of Culture: Finally, reflect and comment on the potential dark side of culture. In what ways might Westjet’s cultural norms and practices be a liability? Are there specific elements that concern you and why?

5.Format: Your discussion should be 2 single-spaced pages in length. Each of the questions should be discussed in a single paragraph, and each paragraph should have a heading (to demarcate it). No additional spacing (between sections/paragraphs) is needed. Note: I realize that I’ve given you five different issues to discuss – feel free to emphasize some topics over others (i.e., some paragraphs may be much longer or shorter than others)



I have attached the case and the power point for culture and climate in the post. Please refer to the power point when answering the question. You may also use anything you think that works. I also attached 2 articles that relates to the question if possible do integrate them into the answer

Explanation & Answer

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