mental health


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i need help to responding on two students disscussion post here is an example of how another student did it here are the questions the students have answered to

Research a community mental health program or organization in your local city or county.

1. Give the name and brief description of the community program or organization you selected. Make sure to cite the source of the information and have a full reference at the end of the post

2. What types of patients would benefit from this program or organization? What resources are available within this program?

3. a.What are potential or actual barriers to patients receiving treatment from this type of program or organization?

b.What can you do as a nurse to eliminate these barriers?

Post by student -A

1. I decided to research the organization called ‘Horizon Homes’ located here in Mankato. Their website is full of information on the types of programs available through their facilities. They have a crisis center, mobile crisis vehicle, inpatient treatment, and home care. This treatment facility aims to “help these individuals develop the skills to become more independent.” (Horizon Homes, 2023). There is a program option for any kind of situation from tapering off medications in a safe environment to needing support through emotional distress.

2. This organization specializes in adults with disabilities and/or mental illness. Age has to be 18 and up, at least 2 past hospitalizations, homelessness, and people who are at risk for a mental health crisis.

3a. The one barrier I could think of is not having a cell phone or phone near you to be able to contact the facility. Other than that they work hard to have the crisis center available 24/7 and they even started a mobile crisis center for individuals that may not be able to drive.

Horizon Homes, inc.. Horizon Homes Inc. (n.d.).

Response by student B


Great post about Horizon Homes I didn’t realize that they now had mobile crisis service for those that couldn’t. I think it’s pretty amazing that they are able to reach out to those people as well and provide them with the support and care that they need. I read on their website that they offer the mobile crisis team to children as well as adults, once again reaching out to more of the community. I also noticed for their intensive residential treatment, they would need a referral made, which could be a barrier for patients who need a longer stay than what the crisis center offers. I think that as nurses, we can help point the patient in the correct direction for getting that referral and ensure that we do everything within our power to ensure that they get the referrals they need.

Thanks for sharing!

Home. Horizon Homes Inc. (n.d.).

i will post two disscussion post and what i will need two separeate responsefor eaach : as obsorved above the response much have additional infronmation using their websiteand word limit 150 words

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