MGMT2063- Research Methods for Business- The Impact of Social Media on Customer Satisfaction at Digicel


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The Research Report – Format

1. Title Page – 1 page
using APA style – Do NOT include photos and pictures on the cover page. No borders and decorations – USE APA STYLE – 7th Edition

2. Contents 1-2 pages
The table of contents lists all major parts and divisions, including the abstract, and is numbered using Roman numerals.

3. Abstract/ Executive Summary – 1 page

not more than 1 page – should be a summary of the various sections of your paper. The abstract forms the reader’s initial impression of the work, and therefore plays a big role on whether approval is given or not. It provides the reader with his/her first impression of the intended project, and, acts as a summary. It should summarize the significance of the work, the hypothesis and major objectives of the project, the procedures to be followed to accomplish the objectives, and the potential impact of the work. The abstract therefore has to be written last, as a concise summary of the proposal.

4. Chapter 1 – Introduction – 2-3 pages
(including Background, Statement of Problem, Objectives, and Significance of Research, Research Question): Introduces the subject matter. It should give enough background to enable an informed lay person to place your particular research problem in a context of common knowledge and should show how its solution will advance the field or be important for some other work. The background is written to establish the significance of your research. The background provides the context of the study in a brief and concise manner. It introduces the research topic and leads the readers to the gaps in knowledge that have remained unaddressed.

The statement of the problem describes the significance of the problem(s), referring to appropriate studies or statistics. The statement of the problem provides an explanation of the issue, condition, or situation that you intend to study. It helps to clearly identify the purpose of the project by highlighting gaps between research and reality, and it explains why there is the need to bridge that gap. It is important to clearly define the problem that your research intends to address as this is essential to convincing the relevant authorities that your project is worth investigating.

5. Chapter 2 –Literature Review – 5 pages
The literature review discusses published information on the topic. It should be selective and critical. This will include summary and evaluation of a minimum of five (5) sources. Discussion of work done by others should lead the reader to a clear idea of how you will build upon past research and also how your work differs from theirs.

6. Chapter 3 –Theoretical Framework 1-2 pages

The theoretical framework draws upon theories and concepts relevant to your research topic. It outlines theory that is useful and that can be applied to your study. You must use readings and research studies to compile this.

7. Chapter 4 –Methodology (include research design in here) – 3-5 pages

The comprehensive explanation of the proposed research is addressed to other specialists in your field. This includes: research design, setting and participants, data sources/instruments, data collection techniques, sampling techniques, analysis and interpretation, and ethical considerations. This section is the heart of the proposal and is the primary concern. Remember as you lay out the research design to:

  • Be realistic about what can be accomplished.
  • Be explicit about any assumptions or hypotheses the research method rests upon.
  • Be clear about the focus of the research.
  • Be as detailed as possible about the schedule of the proposed work.
  • Be specific about the means of evaluating the data or the conclusions.
  • Be certain that the connection between the research objectives and the research method is evident.

8. Chapter 5 –Results/ Findings – 5-6 pages (Remember to use graphs, charts, diagrams etc…..)

9. Chapter 6 –Discussion – 5 pages

10. Chapter 7 –Conclusion and Recommendations – 2 pages

11. References – no limit

12. Appendix – no limit

Explanation & Answer

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