Module 5 Discussion


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Module 5 Discussion: The American Dream

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What Do You Think?

It’s our fifth Discussion Board (DB) assignment for the semester! Yup, we are practically 1/2 or 42% of the way through our Discussions. Have you noticed my tendency to count everything down? I think it makes things seem better, but I guess you could argue it makes them worse.

I know that we just submitted Essay 1, but the nature of our class is that we need to keep moving forward. Further, now that Essay 1 is in the rear view mirror, it is time to start thinking of our next set of responses/topics, which will form the next units of responses and, ultimately, Essay 2, which will be an argument.

Notice little Kim is looking panicked, like it’s the end of the world as we know it. Don’t worry; it is not, but the upcoming readings might seem like a bit of doom and gloom. Bear with me; I promise we eventually waft back to positivity. For this assignment/Discussion Board, we are going to do a little scaffolding for our second essay.


Consider the topic of The American Dream (see the readings from Response 4 for ideas).

At its base, it seems like a fairly straightforward topic; the name says it all–the American Dream. We have all been told that we able to achieve the “American Dream”–the idea that we all have equal opportunities and chances. However, for many of us, no mater how hard we work, the American Dream might be just out of reach. Some believe that all people can achieve this “dream,” but others don’t think it is that easy or obtainable.

After you have pondered that statement and its implications, post a response.

Add your initial reply post to this discussion by Wednesday night at 11:59 pm (to do so, just select the “reply” button, below). In your post please include the following:

  1. Begin your post by making a claim about the American Dream and its status today.
  2. Offer a claim that people who believe differently might give.
  3. Write a thesis statement stating your stance on your topic.
  4. Write two to three topic sentences that align with the thesis you have written.

***The post must be at least 120 words.

Explanation & Answer

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