Module 7: Thinking Dimension-Mindfulness Discussion Board


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Module 7: Thinking Dimension-Mindfulness Discussion Board

In your Module 7 Lecture Materials you learned about WHAT Mindfulness is and HOW to practice it and Dr. Lothes voicethread provided 2 mindfulness practices that you could follow along with. As we have mentioned, mindfulness is a practice that will benefit you from regular and intentional effort. Many mindfulness activities are available for you to try, from guided practices like those you’ve learned here or found through online resources or apps, or tried and true mindfulness practices you’ve been introduced to in the past and work well for you.

For this week’s engagement activity, you will practice mindfulness your way, either searching for a new resource or using one that’s already familiar to you. Make a commitment to practice for a total of 10 minutes this week, either multiple brief practices or one 10 minute (or longer if you already practice regularly) mindfulness practice. Whether it’s practiced indoors or out, seated or lying down, eyes closed or open, pay attention to what works best for you and what you notice while practicing mindfulness. As you stay curious to trying something new or continuing a practice you’ve already incorporated into your lifestyle, in this assignment you will share a detailed reflection of your experience.

Once you’ve completed your practice, use the Discussion Board below to write and reflect on the following questions:

  • How did you attempt your meditation/mindfulness (sitting or lying down, eyes open or close? etc)?
  • Did you deliberately set time aside or space to practice? Did you find a certain time of day works better than other?
  • If you used an app or a guided practice please share the name, link or site and give a little feedback on it.
  • Do you see yourself incorporating a meditation/mindfulness practice into your regular routine and why or why not?
  • Reflect on what value, if any, this might have for you and why.

    Module 7: Thinking Dimension Lecture Materials

    To raise your awareness about the thinking dimension and to prepare for your check your understanding will review/study the THREE items below.

    • Below we will cover how the 5 senses can be utilized to start an observing mindfulness practice.
    • Then we discuss the WHAT and HOW skills of mindfulness. There are many misconceptions about what mindfulness is and what it can do for us and our thinking. The infographic and video do a simplistic break down of different aspects of mindfulness and how you can utilize them throughout the day.
    • One thing to keep in mind that many people confuse about mindfulness is that mindfulness is NOT about “not thinking” or clearing your mind as some say. If your mind wanders during your practice, just gently (without judgement) bring it back. If it does happen that you get an “empty mind” while your doing mindfulness, wonderful! Just notice that too. If it doesn’t, that does not mean you did mindfulness wrong or failed at it. Mindfulness is about being present and effective in the moment, even when your mind (thoughts) is wandering. Mindfulness is the skill of bringing it back. The 4th slide in the WHAT and HOW video has an Counting the Breath mindfulness practice built into it. You can do this practice to start to understand how mindfulness plays a role in our thinking.

    Think of your mind analogous to a puppy, when you first start walking it on a leash it wants to go everywhere. This is what your mind does often when we start doing mindfulness. Each time your puppy wanders off after a smell, a car, a squirrel, a sound, etc we GENTLY bring it back to walking on the sidewalk with us. We want to treat our mind like we would this puppy, GENTLY bringing it back each time it wanders. This IS the practice of mindfulness.

    • Lastly, there is a short video from Crossroad’s peer educators that covers issues concerning substance abuse, stress, and treatment resources on campus.null

    Instructor Presentation

    5 Senses Mindfulness Infographic.pdf5 Senses Mindfulness Infographic.jpgNow we will do a 5 senses mindfulness practicePlease view the VoiceThread presentation (Mindfulness & Thinking: WHAT and HOW) to learn about the WHAT and HOW skills of mindfulness by Dr. John Lothes. This particular discussion is a very user friendly way to understand just exactly WHAT mindfulness consists of and HOW to do it properly. Actions

Explanation & Answer

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