Movie Critique


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  • Choose a movie from the list below, all of which have a child/adolescent as a main character. The main character that you observe must be between 2 and 18 years of age.
  • Watch the film and pay close attention to various aspects of development that are depicted in the movie.
  • Relate theory to aspects of development observed throughout the movie.
  • This assignment should be double spaced, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, and no more than 10 pages (including the title page and reference page).
  • Synopsis
    of the film; 1 page.

    • Choose
      two developmental theories from the ones discussed throughout the semester
      and relate them to one of the main characters of the film. Again, the main character you choose
      must be between the ages of 2-18
      . Discuss how these theories are
      related to various aspects of the child’s development by citing relevant
      sources (i.e. textbook, journals, literature); 2-3 pages.
    • *** IMPORANT NOTE: You must select theories, not concepts, to
      discuss in this section. For example, you may want to talk about the main
      character’s self-concept/self-esteem but that is a concept, not a theory. Refer
      to concepts like that in the following section. ***

      • Recommendations
        for change: If the child experienced negative outcomes, what could have
        been done differently to change that (i.e., parenting strategies,
        schooling, etc.)? How could the behavior been prevented if the character’s
        biological and environmental settings were different? If the child
        experienced positive outcomes, what factors need to continue in order to
        further support the child’s development? If there are both positive and
        negative outcomes, discuss both sides of the story; 2-3 pages.
      • Provide
        a reflection and think about how this film related to your own
        development, if the issues faced by the child/adolescent are accurate for
        most children, and other general thoughts you had about the characters in
        the film; 1 page.
      • References:
        APA citation for the film and any relevant sources that you use. These
        citations are required within
        the text (i.e., in the body of your writing) after you reference the
        material in order to indicate where you obtained information regarding the
        movie and the theories selected.

Explanation & Answer

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