music 111 ja


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Initial post due by Friday
Response posts due by midnight Monday

In this course, a discussion is a posting-based platform designed to facilitate student dialog through the sharing of ideas and opinions. Discussion 1 explores three topics and takes place over a one-week period. You will be graded on depth of insight, use of course and topic-related terminology, use of specific examples, and adherence to the guidelines listed below.

You are required to submit posts on at least two different days, and complete two elements:

1. First, submit a 150 word minimum post that addresses only one of the topics listed below, and post it to the discussion by Friday, by copy and pasting your work into the Reply box (which you’ll find below, beneath the rubric table). Be sure to always click the Post Reply button when you’re done.

2. Then, post at least four informative comments (50 words minimum for each) in response to posts by other students. These posts add to and/or build on other student’s comments, providing additional information or perspectives on the topic – this may also include your personal experiences, insights or opinions.

You’ll find the threaded posts of your classmates by scrolling to the bottom of this page. You can reply to a comment already posted by another student by clicking in the reply field below their post. If you choose to submit more than 4 response posts, you may receive extra credit points.

Topics for Discussion 1:

  • Explain how minstrelsy helped construct musical representations of race in the US, by identifying and describing at least one minstrelsy character. Identify the opportunities that both European Americans and African Americans had, to make a living as performers in minstrelsy. The negative aspects are obvious, but identify at least one positive aspect of minstrelsy.
  • Explain why ragtime was unique in the context of late-1800s American popular culture. How did the emerging music industry popularize ragtime? Describe how ragtime was initially received by the broader American public – positive or negative. Can you draw parallels between these issues another musical style that emerged in the past 70 years?
  • • Choose three of the following musical styles – vaudeville, country blues, classic blues, ragtime, jazz. For each style, identify the opportunities that musicians had to make a living as performers, and what kind of venues they might have performed in.

    Netiquette (Internet Etiquette)

    You’re always required to treat your classmates with respect and kindness, especially when expressing contrasting viewpoints. Because computer-mediated communication lacks the nuances of face-to-face interation – body language, verbal mannerisms, eye contact – it’s important to exercise caution in the way that you write emails and discussion posts. Before sending an email or post, re-read your text to be sure that it’s clear and on topic. Aggressive behavior and language, especially insults and profanity, will not be tolerated and may result in formal charges (which can include expulsion from the course). Also, avoid irony – these are advanced communication skills that can be difficult to make sense of in text-based communication. Post constructive comments, encourage sharing, AVOID ALL CAPS, and always write in complete sentences.

    Discussion Rubric

    The 40-point Discussions provide you with the possibility of earning a maximum of 6 extra credit points. The following rubric will be used to assess your work.

    Discussion Rubric.png

    Explanation & Answer

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