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Respond to the following questions in your initial post:

  • Do you think you handled conflict well?
  • What more would you like to learn about regarding conflict management?
  • How will being a better conflict manager help you?
  • **PART 2 Below you will find two conflict assessment tools. Complete them both.Then write at least three page paper on what you learned from them including:
    • How can assessments like these assist you in better understanding your conflict style?
    • How does understanding your conflict style assist you with avoiding or working through conflicts?
    • What is your opinion on why there are so many different types of tests?
    • Why isn’t there just one clear conflict resolution test that can be used? Find one outside source to support your ideas and/or share information about listening skills in APA 7. So here you are again: on the one hand, you have your goals and dreams, and on the other hand, you have your significant other, your friend, your relative, your boss, or your colleague. Maybe you feel mistreated by them, or maybe they are preventing you from achieving your goals and dreams in some way. Confronting them may mean losing them, and, at the same time, leaving things the way they are will not get you what you want. What do you do? This test will help you find out which conflict resolution style you tend to use the most when confronted with such a choice. Your predominant strategy is where you get the highest score.
    • ***PART 3 By now you have discovered that it is not always a good thing to avoid conflict. In fact, conflict if handled in the right way can be helpful and constructive. But how do you approach it?
      • In your initial post, give us your best advice on how to handle approaching a conflict.
      • **PART 4 For this assignment, please complete ( at least four hundred words) reflection paper where you describe your listening skills.
        • What are you good at?
        • Where can you improve?
        • How do your listening habits influence your ability to resolve conflict?
        • Find one outside source to support your ideas and/or share information about listening skills in APA 7.
Explanation & Answer

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