personal wellness written response 2


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For this assignment there are two sets of 5 written response questions . Each response must be a minimum of 5 sentences totalm 100 sentence minimum

The objective of these written assignments is to explore a personal behavior related to health and wellness that you wish to target for change over the semester (e.g., tobacco use, alcohol consumption, caffeine, video games, gambling, etc.). Responses MUST be about you, the student, NOT a friend, relative, or other person. The first set of responses are meant to function as a baseline regarding the selected behavior, while the second set is to explore your progression in understanding, perspective and attitudes, and critical thinking about the topic. These questions are meant to broaden your view on addictive behaviors and their impact on personal health and wellness.Answer each of the following with a minimum of 5 sentences

1. Provide a brief synopsis of a behavior you would like to focus on this semester. Please describe both society’s perceptions and your personal view regarding the behavior or substance you have chosen. How do these personal and public perceptions influence the experiences of those struggling with the problematic behavior you have chosen?

2. Identify and discuss a few potential benefits and negative consequences of the behavior? How do these consequences impact the individual and the people around them (e.g., family, community, friends, etc.)?

3. When changing a behavior, a plan with viable tasks and goals is helpful. Outline a behavior plan to help reach a specified goal. The goal must be attainable and realistic. Provide daily, weekly, and monthly goals and track them for the Personal Wellness Paper. Provide detailed tasks that would encourage behavior change.

4. What potential barriers might you encounter during this experience? Please provide a “recovery plan” regarding these barriers that includes steps you would take to continue progressing towards your goal. What support systems would you use while working to maintain a change in behavior (e.g., friends, contingencies, family, etc.).

5. How could this behavior change influence and impact those around you? Do you anticipate this plan to change your relationships or support systems and explain why or why not? It what ways could this plan potentially change your lifestyle?

6. Briefly summarize the behavior and plan you created. Have you made any changes to the plan since you first constructed it? In what ways would your plan have benefited from an alteration with what you know now?

7. Did you reach the goals you specified? Did you come across any barriers while implementing your plan? If so, did any of those barriers surprise you? Did you utilize the “recovery plan,” and if so, was it helpful? If not, what would you change about it to be more effective?

8. Has your perspective on your chosen behavior changed throughout this course? Do you feel that your plan would be effective for other individuals struggling with similar concerns? What considerations may need to be made to ensure that individual and cultural differences are addressed in the behavior plan?

9. After engaging in this plan, would you consider continuing and building on your plan; why or why not? Would you utilize the same approach for other behaviors?

10. How did the implementation of this plan alter or change your perspective on the chosen behavior? Did this experience influence your perspective on the challenges of behavior change? What were the specific challenges and positives of this assignment?

Explanation & Answer

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