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Optional Video Instructions:

Curriculum Lesson Plan Assignment

Demonstrate what you’ve learned in this course by creating:

one-week plan for a preschool class that meets 4 days per week

one-week plan for a toddler class that meets 4 days per week

Use the Lesson Planning Forms provided:

Download, save your files every time you work, fill in completely.

1240 Preschool Curriculum Project Form

1240 Infant/Toddler Curriculum Project Form


Final Project: Weekly Planning Form EXAMPLE

Final Project Lesson Planning Form EXAMPLES



“Cut and paste” from all completed lesson plans so far in the course from modules 4-8. Make needed revisions along the way based on your grading feedback. This will give you a jump start on the project and surely have you earning full points! (You will only be able to “cut & paste” one section of the sheet at a time and not the whole page.)


Create lessons needed during Modules 9-14.


Fill in the first two pages: the Weekly Planning Form, and the Daily Planning Form. You will focus on the Interest Areas we have used in class. Briefly write “changes/additions” you will make to those centers/interest areas for the week. This means you will simply write in the activity name and give a clear description. These boxes directly match up to your completed lesson plans.

(Teachers like to use this to see their planned week at a glance without needing to refer to each lesson plan. You can write more as you wish, but you at least need the title of the activity & description that matches the attached lesson plan.

YES, you need to fill in every box with an activity!


[100 points TOTAL]

Infant/Toddlers Plan

[8 points] – Activity title & clear description in Weekly/Daily Planning boxes. [1/2 point] each box

[48 points]- 12 total lesson plans, 4 points each, Components are complete, correct & clear on each:

Materials Needed [1 point]

Teacher Role [1 point]

SMART Goal [2 points]

Preschoolers Plan:

[8 points] – Activity title & clear description in Weekly/Daily Planning boxes. [1/2 point] each box

[36 points]- 9 total lesson plans, 4 points each, Components are complete, correct & clear on each:

Materials Needed [1 point]

Individual Difference & Accommodation [1 point]

SMART Goal [2 points]

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need to have a theme for the week? No, a theme is not necessary. You may want to plan some activities related to your story or a topic you’re learning about as a class. You do not need to have every activity relate to a common theme.

May I create my own planning forms? For this assignment, no. Typically teachers can create their own forms, and there are many ways to plan a curriculum. You are just using and learning this one option.

May I use Lesson Worksheets that I have already completed for other assignments? Yes! That is one of the reasons for working on those! Cut and paste each section while making changes based on instructor feedback.

Where can I find ideas for activities? Use your text and resources posted in content as your primary resource. You can “copy” ideas you find from any resource online that is developmentally appropriate. Teachers usually “borrow” activity ideas and then make them fit their own goals and style of teaching.

What do I need to write in the boxes on the first two pages of the project? Take a look at the “Weekly Planning Form Example” posted above. This can be exactly what you also write in your “Activity Name & Description” on your lesson plan worksheet.

I ran out of time! What now? By the deadline, turn in what you have finished!

Please double-check that you have submitted the correct, completed document, as I can not accept assignments after the close date. I recommend saving your document with the word “DONE” at the end so you choose the correct one for sure!

Due on Nov 1, 2023 11:59 PM

Available until Nov 2, 2023 11:59 PM. Access restricted after availability ends.


Chromebooks Only – 1240 Toddler Curriculum Plan… (2.1 MB)

Chromebooks Only – 1240 Preschool Curriculum Pl… (1.52 MB)WEEK 9 – NO NEW CONTENT (Oct. 16-20)/ Mod 16 ” FINAL PROJECT”

Explanation & Answer

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