Political Science Question


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SLO Term Paper / Policy Proposal Paper

Topics should touch on at least one theme of content areas listed on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals webpage however do not need to be limited to one of the listed themes.

Themes/topics selection should be based off each student’s personal/professional interest(s).

The idea behind this paper is to address/resolve at least one concern associated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Papers should focus on either Foreign Policy -OR- Domestic Policy proposals [e.g. petroleum eruptions or over fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, managing COVID-19 (be specific with location), supporting women’s rights in . . ., introduce comprehensive affordable housing options for . . ., etc.].


Determine/identify an entire region in TX [e.g. Panhandle, Southern border, Gulfcoast, etc.], or a city you want to focus your attention on. Determine/identify which approach is most effective to accomplish desired objective (environmental, social or economic policy), and explain:

1) your goal(s) [Agenda Setting];

2) who would promote your policy proposal [Adoption];

3) who would benefit; and 4) who would absorb accrued expenses?

Identification of the preferred application of resources (e.g. redistributive, distributive or regulatory) is also expected. The five steps below should be considered as the categories in which your policy proposal should be constructed.


Again, after reviewing the UN Sustainable Development Goals draft policy that would potentially resolve your concern(s) as it/they exists in another country or region around the world [e.g. of regions: Central America, Caribbean, South America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Islands, Antarctica, or the Artic]. Once this concern(s) has been identified, mention the role TX government will play in resolving the situation.

Determine which approach is most effective to accomplish desired impact (environmental, social or economic policy), and identify:

1) your goal [Agenda Setting];

2) who would promote your policy proposal [Adoption];

3) who would benefit; and

4) who would absorb accrued expenses?

Identification of the preferred method to apply resources (e.g. crisis, strategic, or structural defense) is also expected. The five steps below should be considered as the categories in which your policy proposal should be constructed.

***The (5) steps to policy formation are listed in , so all students should be sure to refer for more detailed information – Policymaking Process:

  1. Agenda Setting – What’s your issue(s) of concern?
  2. Formulation – What’s your approach to resolve your issue(s) of concern?
  3. Adoption – Domestic Policy – Which elected officials would you approach to ask to endorse your legislative proposal [i.e. this also depends on where you would like your proposal to have the greatest impact ~ national level (members of USA Congress), state level (governor[s] and members of state legislature as per the state you would like the most changes to come about), county and local level (county commissioners, mayors, city council members)] ~ it is encouraged to research each decided upon elected official to get a better understanding as to whether they would in fact support your proposal or not + students are not limited to one group [i.e. there can be a combination of members of USA Congress working with state elected officials, with local representatives? I’m looking for names of at least (3) political representatives.
  4. Implementation – which departments of the federal, state or local government(s) would be responsible for implementing your proposals [e.g. Labor, Treasury, Interior, State, Health and Human Services; and know each of these departments very often have either a similarly named department at the state level; and students are also encouraged to research each possible department to identify agencies and bureaus (e.g. Bureau of International Labor Affairs, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Internal Revenue Service, Land Management, Ocean Energy Management, etc.)]? Again, names of selections.
  5. Evaluation – When would you suggest/like to see people responsible for evaluating overall performance of your proposal come together and figure out what works to either apply consistent/additional resources, or end suggestions that do not work? Post a timeframe [e.g. every month, six months, annually, etc.].

Papers should be 2-3 double-spaced pages, with reasonable (12 pt.) font and reasonable (1 inch) margins.

Citations are required [in-text citations are preferred (MLA style)].

Explanation & Answer

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