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Assignment 3: Aesthetic Approach to Health Promotion Intervention Presentation (20 points)

Aesthetic influences and shapes both physical and psychological feelings. Art is a process, a way of approaching life as well as an outcome. A clear link between creativity and healing has been documented. Throughout history, people have used pictures, story, dances, and chants as healing rituals. Holistic approaches to health promotion that include an aesthetic intervention help to create and sustain health. See Chapter 7- Raingruber for guidance on types of Aesthetic approaches to health care.

This assignment gives students the opportunity to be creative and develop a health promotion intervention using creative storytelling, poetry, cartoon, music, photo-voice, art, dance, or other artistic endeavor to influence the health of an individual, community or population. Students will present the health promotion intervention using PowerPointand Kaltura Capture. Please review Chapter 7 in the Raingruber textbook for further resources.

Assignment Criteria:

Students will use an artistic, creative, and/or aesthetic approach to develop health promotion intervention addressing the following:

1. Identify an individual, family, community, or population for a health promotionintervention that could influence healing, disease prevention, health and well-being, physical health, stress reduction, or improve health outcomes.

2. Determine the cultural considerations needed for the health promotion intervention.

3. Design an artistic, creative, and/or aesthetic approach for the health promotion intervention.

4. Discuss the benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of thehealth promotion intervention.

5. Develop one goal or outcome for the health promotion intervention using the SMART format (specific, measurable, achievable/attainable, relevant/realistic, and timeframe).

6. Identify if the health promotion intervention was effective for the selectedindividual, family, community, or population.

7. Explain the role of aesthetic knowledge within the nursing profession when developing a health promotion intervention.

8. Develop a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation in the form of a scholarly presentation.

9. Once the PPT is created, utilize Kaltura Capture to present the PPT. Follow the instructions for using Kaltura Capture located in Canvas under Modules then Kaltura Resources.

10. The PPT presentation should not be more than 10 slides (excluding the title slide and reference slide) and 8-10 minutes in length. Be complete and concise. Use bulleted statements not complete sentences or paragraphs.

11. Use APA format for PPT, which always includes a title slide, a reference slide, and APA requirements. Resources found in APA 7th Edition Help Documents.

12. Include two references for this assignment. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals (check Ulrich’s Periodical Directory) and be less than five (5) years old. Please use APA format on the reference slide and a hanging indent.

Include the following slides:

• Slide 1: Title-develop a title slide. This should include the title of the presentation, student name, and the university name. Use APA format (does not need to be in Times New Roman for a PPT)

• Slide 2: Introduction-Brief overview of the PPT. Use key bulleted points not paragraphs

• Slide 3: Purpose Statement-Develop the purpose statement utilizing the instructions above (use bulleted points)

• Slide 4: Identify an individual, family, community, or population for a health promotion intervention that could influence healing, disease prevention, health and well-being, physical health, stress reduction, or improve health outcomes

• Slide 5: Determine the cultural considerations needed for the health promotion intervention

• Slide 6: Design an artistic, creative, and/or aesthetic approach for the health promotion intervention

• Slide 7: Discuss the benefits and challenges associated with the implementation of the health promotion intervention.

• Slide 8: Develop one goal or outcome for the health promotion intervention using the SMART format

• Slide 9: Identify if the health promotion intervention was effective for the selected individual, family, community, or population

• Slide 10: Explain the role of aesthetic knowledge within the nursing profession when developing a health promotion intervention

• Slide 11: Conclusion-Include a summary of the main points covered. Again, utilize bulleted statements

• Slide 12: References in APA format (please include in-text citations on slides). References should be in APA format with a hanging indent.

Explanation & Answer

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