ppp thak 120


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iPoliSci Workshops is your opportunity to interact with content related to the course.

At the minimum, at least once every two weeks (bi-weekly), you need to watch a single video recording of a workshop.

Submission of this assignment is REQUIRED.

Estimated Time

An estimated 60-90 minutes is needed to complete this activity.

Archived Recordings of Past Workshops

Global Conflict and Cooperation

  • Global Conflict and Cooperation is a workshop series that is focused on defining, exploring, and discussing global conflict and cooperation from the point of view of different international institutions, country governments, and international non-governmental organizations.
  • When is the Global Conflict and Cooperation Workshop scheduled?




Step 1: Watch an Archived Recording

  • Watch an archived recording of one of the workshops above.

Step 2: Clearly State Which Workshop You Watched

In your assignment submission, clearly state which workshop(s) you participated in during the period.

  • Example: “I watched Global Conflict and Cooperation during week 4.”
  • Example: “I watched the week 6 archived recording of Poliventure.”

Step 3: Respond to a Specific Question

Select 1 of the following questions to respond to:

  1. What did you find most interesting about the workshop?
  2. What did you find most relevant to your daily life about the workshop?
  3. What question(s) do you have about the workshop topic?
  4. What would you like to learn more about related to the workshop topic?
  5. What did you find perplexing or challenging about the workshop topic?
  6. Note: If you wish, you can ask yourself your own question.

Step 4: Clearly State your Question.

  • Be sure to clearly state this question in your assignment submission.
  • Using a question provided in the prior step, or a question that you ask yourself, be sure to clearly state this question in your assignment submission.

Step 5: Answer Question with 4 Sentences

Write at least 4 sentences answering the question you selected.

  • Sentence 1.
  • Sentence 2.
  • Sentence 3.
  • Sentence 4.

Step 6: Keep a List of Workshops You Watched

  • You are asked to watch at least 4 iPoliSci Workshops over the entire course.
  • Please keep a list of the workshops you watched.
  • Include your list of Workshops Watched for Week 01-02, Week 03-04, Week 05-06, and Week 07-08.

Submission Template

To help you get started, below is a submission template that includes the required parts. You can copy and paste this text to help organize your assessment submission.

### Start Copy and Paste ###

*** Start Sample ***

  • Workshop Watched
    • Copy and Paste Name and Link Here
  • Question I am Going to Answer [Select ONLY 1 question, delete the others]
    • What did you find most interesting about the workshop?
    • What did you find most relevant to your daily life about the workshop?
    • What question(s) do you have about the workshop topic?
    • What would you like to learn more about related to the workshop topic?
    • What did you find perplexing or challenging about the workshop topic?
    • Note: If you wish, you can ask yourself your own question.
  • Answer to the Question above
    • 4 sentences
  • List of Workshops Watched
    • Week 01-02
    • Week 03-04
    • Week 05-06
    • Week 07-08

### End Copy and Paste ###

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to watch all episodes of a Workshop?

  • No, you only need to watch 1 episode every two weeks. If the topic interests you, you are encouraged to watch more than 1 episode every two weeks.
Explanation & Answer

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