Presenting a Professional Identity Discussion


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In the previous Module, you worked on documents that helped you develop precise, appealing self-descriptions and experiences as an example of technical writing. Module 3 and 4 will ask you to develop instructions and test these instructions by using a usability test. By the end of Module 4, you will develop a report that provides data, analysis, and recommendations on your usability test.

These modules are involved, and I believe these kinds of projects are best completed as a group. However, I also understand that we are in strange times; students are in different time zones, may have children at home, and may be working multiple jobs. This is why the group work component for Module 3 and 4 will be optional.

To help you think about whether group work is for you…

For this assignment, I will ask you to extend on this concept of “professionalism” and ask you to write about yourself for a potential group project. In short, you will present yourself in a professional way that includes descriptions of your communication style, your approach to projects, and your potential weaknesses.

The need to communicate in a group can create just as much work as if you are working by yourself, which is why I keep the requirements the same for groups and individuals.

You may find it helpful to click ahead and review the “Big” projects for this Module and before you post to this Discussion Activity.


To prepare for writing your response, think about your answers to the following questions:

What are your strengths in writing and group work?

What are your weaknesses?

How do you best communicate? Times? Days? Mode of Communication?

What values do you believe can help maintain an effective group dynamic?

What do you believe is not helpful to the success of a group project? (Think about previous group projects that may have gone awry.)

Develop a comprehensive paragraph that describes your strengths, weaknesses, and values for group work. (Think of this as a formal description that you may use for something like LinkedIn.)

Explanation & Answer

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