question one


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For this assignment you will be filling out forms and different activities. All of the material can be found within this link. Please use the Virtual FBA Documents Template to complete the assignment.

Here is what you need to do for this assignment:

  1. The PDF that says ReliasLearning_IDD_VirtualFBA_Whitepaper is where you will find the Virtual Relias, and the activities that you will need to read and do. Please be sure to open the PDF file as it has links to the videos you will need to watch. The videos will open in YouTube.
  2. The first and second activity links and direction are on the ReliasLearning_IDD_VirtualFBAs_Whitepaper. Please read the directions and complete the FBA Documents Template (Activities #1 and #2) provided. For Activity 2, do not just copy the definitions provided. Also, be sure to define the behaviors listed in the template, as the third behavior is different from the one listed in the PDF document. Please use the rules for writing operational definitions that were provided to you earlier in the semester.
  3. There is NO activity #3! However please use the completed interview for Joseph to help with remaining activities and forms.
  4. Joseph engages in 2 behaviors. Please select one behavior that you want to target and complete the rest of the activities with that target behavior in mind.
  5. On the ReliasLearning_IDD_VirtualFBAs_Whitepaper, activity #4 is filling out an ABC Recording Form. Watch the video and fill out the ABC Chart for the one selected behavior. Only record what you observe in the video. It is okay if you do not fill in all of the rows.
  6. Next complete the Functional Assessment Summary for the selected behavior.
  7. Scatterplot data/chart should also be included. You will have to provide hypothetical data for this portion of the assignment.
  8. Data Triangulation Chart – include information from the ABC chart, Scatterplot chart and the functional assessment summary for the selected behavior.
  9. Problem Behavior Pathway should be completed for the selected behavior.
  10. Competing Behaviors Pathway should be completed for the selected behavior.
  11. Complete a Behavior Intervention Plan for the selected behavior.
  12. A graph of hypothetical baseline data and hypothetical intervention data should also be provided for the selected behavior.

The 10 sets of information that need to be turned in with this assignment are as follows:

  1. Activity 1(Measurable Behaviors)
  2. Activity 2 (Behavioral Definitions)
  3. ABC Form
  4. Functional Assessment Summary
  5. Scatterplot Data/Chart
  6. Data Triangulation Chart
  7. Problem Behavior Pathway
  8. Competing Behavior Pathway
  9. Behavior Intervention Plan
  10. Baseline and Intervention Graph

Mock FBA Rubric

Mock FBA Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeActivity 1: 3 correct answers no additional incorrect answers.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeActivity 2: Complete definitions with examples and non examples

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeABC Chart: All correct Responses.

6 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScatterplot: Scatterplot chart was completed accurately

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData Triangulation: Data Triangulation chart included all components and was consistent with behavioral data

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem Behavior Pathway: Pathway included all components and was consistent with behavioral data

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompeting Behavior Pathway: Pathway included all components and was consistent with behavioral data

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFunctional Assessment Summary: All components were completed accurately

12 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBehavior Intervention Plan: All components were included and appropriately address the function of the problem behavior.

12 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGraph: Graph was in APA style with all components included

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar and Formatting: Little to no grammatical or formatting errors

2 pts

Total Points: 66

Explanation & Answer

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