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INSTRUCTIONS: Read these directions closely before submitting your paper. After reading the arrest warrant (attachment) viewing the videos for Ms. Rebecca Dixon:

1) Cite two facts by paragraph numbers in the CAWA that you found interesting, disturbing, or unusual in the warrant.

2) If
you were conducting the investigation, list the crimes that you would
have charged her with. Why would you have charged her with those
crimes? Are there any other crimes that she is not charged with that
you would have charged her with? Defend
your position by researching the Connecticut General Statutes found in
your Bb folder. Make sure that you use the “elements” in the statute to
defend your reason for the criminal charge.

sure that you clearly respond to all these questions in the order
presented here. You also can use any other information that you find by
researching this case that is not included here. Answer these questions in the order that they are presented in this question given to you.

Research a case that is similar and write a brief summary of it and
references where you found this case, including date, city, etc. using
Arial 12 pt. format. Any facts that you state must be properly
referenced. In most cases, you cannot express an opinion without stating
how you came to that opinion. In short, that means you need a factual
reference to support your opinion. The case should be cited properly in
APA format.

paper should be of quality work answering the above
questions. Please paste each question with your response underneath the
question. This will assist you in getting a better grade because your
professor will know exactly what you are responding to. Be sure to leave
a space between the question and then your responses.

Most of your responses or opinions should have a factual basis to support them. There
should be a title page, with the case title name, your full name, the
course name, the date, your college name, and Professor’s name included.
If your references must be in APA format, if they are incorrectly
cited, you will lose points.

Explanation & Answer

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