Read details and help with discussion


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1- Discuss

this semester learning about the art of persuasion from expert Jay Heinrichs. Now, we come to a moment of summative reflection. Write a discussion post of at least 200 words in which you reflect on the following:

– Which lesson or idea from Heinrichs’s text stands out to you most? It can be from any part of the text, including chapters we have yet to read (if you were eager and went ahead). Why did this resonate with you so much? What do you take from it?

– What is something Heinrichs said in his text that you were not satisfied with? Maybe you disagreed, or maybe you simply didn’t buy into his idea fully. Why do you disagree, and what exactly would you say to Heinrichs to pose a counterargument?

2- RESPONSES / peers in posts that are at least 50 words long, for each one .

– Find areas where you relate to their ideas, brainstorm with their notions, and offer spirited, respectful disagreement/debate where you see fit!

A) I like Heinrich’s use of the cliche twist. I’ve always wondered how people could just be instantly witty though some of it seems to be mere disposition, the other half involving a bit more skill and practice with the craft. When Henrichs mentioned the cliche twist I automatically thought of Oscar Wilde and his iconic quote: “The man who says his wife can’t take a joke, forgets that she took him.” I’ve always aspired to have a wit like this but not before reading this chapter did I realize the strategy that was employed. However, I do think such cleverness has its own faults. It succeeds in making fun of your opponent but convincing their audience to come to your side–I’m not too sure. I see this all the time with the late-night show, MSNBC, where everyone mocks Trump. I personally don’t like the guy though I’m not surprised so many conservatives are practically dogmatic for him. I suppose the way the media depicts him as a buffoon has given the republic party a closer bond: you insult Trump, you insult me way of thinking. When watching MSNBC, the correspondents’ over-reliance on logos and wit makes them feel out of touch with that part of the country, maybe even elitist in a way. As a result, maybe humor and wit have their weaknesses. By making fun of Trump’s 2016 presidential run, it made conservatives want to support their underdog of a candidate even more. Hence, witty humor helps bolster the people who already support you, though distances you from people you’re trying to persuade. Double-edged sword? Stop making them.

B) The lesson that I have found to be more interesting is discussing persuasive communication and the importance of understanding your audience. For me, this has been complicated in past assignments because the approach when trying to persuade a specific group of people has to be different based on their characteristics. It is challenging to ensure that you do the necessary to write a paper that tailors your message to the audience’s needs and interests. Effective communication often involves appealing to emotions, logic, and credibility to persuade others. Heinrich emphasizes the importance of using persuasive techniques, such as ethos, pathos, and logos, to craft compelling arguments and influence others effectively. This concept resonates because it highlights the significance of empathy and adaptability in communication, which can lead to more successful interactions. One aspect of Heinrichs’s book that I might not entirely agree with is the idea that argumentation can be reduced to a strict formula. While I do believe that having a structured approach to argumentation is valuable, sometimes real-world arguments are way too complex and context-dependent. Strictly following a formula might not always be appropriate or effective. I would suggest that effective argumentation should also consider the specific context, how the audience receives the message, and the particular degree of the issue at hand. In other words, having Heinrich’s knowledge of rhetorical strategies is important and it has definitely given me a better understanding of argumentation but, it is equally important to be flexible and adapt to the situation.

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