Read the prompt and write a 3 paragraph discussion initial post answering the questions below


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For your initial post, address the following: Consider your role as a professional. Use what you have you’ve learned in this course and this week’s supplemental resources to support your answer and guide you as you discuss the following:


  • Which database role would you like best for your professional career, and why?
    • What personality traits do you believe will be necessary for that role?
  • What role or career path are you hoping to pursue, and how do you plan on using the skills you’ve learned in that role?
    • Which specific skills from this course do you believe will be the most beneficial?
    • What resources from the course, either supplemental or primary, will you continue to reference?


  • Reading: Career in Data Analytics and Emerging Opportunities opens in new window
    This Shapiro Library resource will add to the knowledge you have gained in this course by giving examples of how it is used in the field. It will also explore some of the duties and definitions for data professionals.
  • Reading: Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook: Data Administrators opens in new window
    To read through this handbook, click the blue button at the bottom right side of the page. These pages from the Bureau of Labor Statistics describe the job outlook for database administrators and their responsibilities. The job outlook for database administrators is very positive over the next ten years.
  • Video: Database Administrator – A Day in the Life opens in new window (1:53)
    This video explores the daily responsibilities of database administrators (DBAs) and what value they bring to the businesses and organizations they work for.
  • Video: What Does a Data Analyst Do on a Daily Basis? opens in new window (5:53)
    This video was recorded by a former data analyst and manager of analysts. Although data analysts’ work can be different each day, this video explores general themes that cover almost every position.
  • Video: The Top 5 Data Analyst Skills Needed opens in new window (12:02)
    This video was recorded by a former data analyst and manager of analysts. This list was developed by the author after a decade of working as an analyst and hiring analysts. These skills are what distinguish the best analysts.
Explanation & Answer

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