Recovered plain text


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In this assignment, you’ll parse a transcript of a machine-in-the-middle attack and recover the same plaintext that the attacker recovered. Submit a text entry with the recovered plaintext. The recovered plaintext will be ASCII English text, with no spaces.Start by downloading the *.tgz gzipped tar ball corresponding to your tar ball number from Canvas. You’ll find the source code for a chat application put out by BS Inc. It allows two students to log into the same Linux machine and have private chat to spread ratchet gossip about their instructors. Last year in CSE 539 two students exchanged top secret info about their instructor, who is currently your instructor for CSE 468. Messages are passed through the file system in /tmp. BS Inc. claims that they use the same ratchet algorithm as OTR, so there should be forward secrecy and future secrecy if their claims are true. There is also source code for a mitm attack. At some point in a conversation, the mitm attacker somehow obtained a copy of one of the parties’ private key used for Diffie-Hellman key exchange in ratcheting. They use this to decrypt the conversation for a while, but at some point they drop the ball and are not able to ratchet forward. They saved a log of their attack activities (use the same number as you used for homework 1 to know which transcript you should look at) but didn’t save the plaintext. To learn ratchet gossip about your CSE 539 instructor, and to get full credit on the assignment, recover as much plaintext from both sides of the conversation as possible. You don’t have to answer these for the homework (you just need to submit as much plaintext as possible), but two question to think about are?:

Is the claim by BS Inc. that their ratchet chat client has forward secrecy true?

Is the claim by BS Inc. that their ratchet chat client has future secrecy true?…

Explanation & Answer

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