Repatriating Art Stolen by the Nazis


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This discussion builds on the repatriation issue and the ethics of museums.

When the Nazis swept through Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, they stole art. Lots of it. Much of the art was stolen from families shipped to concentration camps or forced to emigrate to other countries.

What happened to this art when the Nazis were defeated in World War II? Well, that is a complicated story.

When the allied soldiers defeated Germany, much of the art moved into private, gallery, and museum collections. It was not returned to its original owners, in part because some of the owners counted among the 6 million people killed in concentration camps.

And while most people would likely agree that the art should be returned to its rightful owners, this is a complicated process with many factors and stakeholders.

Let’s consider this complicated and tragic issue.


1. Turning Museum Visits into Ethical Dilemmas

2. Return of Nazi-Looted Art is Stymied


For your posting, choose an ethical dilemma that affects cases involving the restitution of art looted by the Nazis and explain it using the article provided. Select one sentence from each article that reflects the dilemma and explain it. Then offer your own perspective on the matter, including what you would do in the museum’s situation or if you learned that a work in your own home was looted.


  • Consult the discussion postings to see what “pieces” of the jigsaw discussion have already been claimed.
  • Choose an unclaimed “piece” to discuss. Paste it at the top of your discussion reply.
  • Read the articles provided here.
  • Select a sentence from each article and paste it at the top of your discussion reply. The sentences do not count toward the word count.
  • Compose your discussion post using the terms and concepts
  • Make your discussion posting by the deadline listed in the syllabus.

Your discussion posting must:

  1. be at least 200 words.
  2. begin by identifying the piece of the puzzle you are discussing.
  3. use of the relevant terms, concepts, and information from the modules and article presented here.
  4. keep its focus on the piece you are discussing.
  5. use professional, written English language, including correct punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.

Jigsaw Pieces (Choose one)

  • Money
  • History
  • Politics
  • Law
  • Transparency
  • Acquisition
  • Morality
Explanation & Answer

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