Report Writing: Managing Your Work Life


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Activity 2

Long-Term Portfolio Project

(Objective 9-1b)

As an office worker, you will need to prioritize work to fulfill duties and meet deadlines. Office work often involves planning and completing long-term projects. In this activity, you will plan, schedule, and complete a long-term project: a portfolio to display your work.

The general purpose of a portfolio is to demonstrate your skills and abilities related to work. A portfolio can contain samples of your work, awards or other recognitions, certificates or degrees related to training or education, a description of assignments or projects that have been successfully completed, and letters or recommendations related to your work abilities. A good portfolio can be helpful in getting a job

  1. List the steps to complete the portfolio. For example, define clearly the purpose for your portfolio, research portfolio layouts, schedule time to work on the portfolio, collect materials (classroom and other), and plan initial documents to go into the portfolio.
  2. List the materials and resources you will need to complete the portfolio, such as folders, time, money, paper, dividers, notebooks, and classroom projects. You can create the portfolio in hard copy or scan materials to create an electronic portfolio.
  3. List the people you need to contact to complete the project: instructors, administrators, students, parents, businesspeople, and so on.
  4. Create a long-range schedule. Use spreadsheet software to list the dates and tasks to be completed by specific dates. (Hint: Key your ending date or deadline first.) Key a title and beginning date on your schedule to make it uniquely yours. Print a copy of your schedule to use as you complete your portfolio project.
  5. Follow your plan to prepare the portfolio. Make a note of the changes that have to be made to your original schedule as you complete your project. Were your deadlines realistic? Were the people available at the times you listed? Did you find the materials and resources available when you needed them? Did you follow your schedule? If not, why not?
  6. Write a short report in unbound style summarizing your experiences as you created the portfolio. Discuss the factors listed above and your own observations. Include in your summary a copy of your beginning and ending schedule for comparison purposes.
  7. Display or share your portfolio with other class members. Update your portfolio periodically as you gain new skills, complete training, or produce documents that will demonstrate your skills effectively
  8. Chapter 10Activity 2
  9. Follow-Up Letter(Objective 10-2c)Writing thank-you letters is an important follow-up activity for business travelers. In this exercise, you will edit and key a thank-you letter.
  10. Key a thank-you letter from the rough draft shown below.
  11. Correct the grammar and punctuation mistakes. Revise the letter as needed to make it clear and concise. Use an appropriate letter style and the current date. Assume the letter will be printed on company letterhead.
  • Records Retention

    (Objectives 11-1c, 11-3b, and 11-3c)In this activity, you will continue your work at Carson Associates. You created a file organization and naming plan in an earlier activity. Now you will create a computer index to track the electronic records and their retention dates.

    1. Create a new database named Records Index. Create a table named Files Index. Include the following text fields in the table: Filename, File Path, Date, Originator, Key Content, Category, Active Storage, and Inactive Storage. Make the Filename field the primary key.
    2. Use the list of new filenames and paths you created earlier. Create a record in your database for each file.
      • Enter the filename in the Filename field, for example, Stardust Bid 6-23.docx.
      • Enter the drive and folder location for the file in the File Path field, for example, C:StoneBids.
      • Enter the date of the file in the Date field.
      • Enter the name of the executive for whom the file was created in the Originator field.
      • Enter a few words that indicate what the record relates to in the Key Content field, for example, cover letter for bid.
      • Enter the type of record, such as letter, report, spreadsheet, presentation, or database, in the Category field.
      • Enter the retention period for which the document will be kept in active online storage on your computer in the Active Storage field. See the table on the next page to determine retention periods.
      • Enter the retention period for which the document will be kept in inactive storage (on a disk or flash drive) in the Inactive Storage field.

        Retention Periods

        Category Active Storage Inactive Storage
        Bank reconciliations 3 years Permanent
        Bids and related correspondence 1 year 4 years
        Client database Permanent
        Correspondence 1 year 4 years
        Financial statements (balance sheets and income statements) 3 years Permanent
        Invoices 2 years 7 years
        Presentations 1 year 2 years
    3. Having an index of files for each executive will be helpful in locating records.
      • Create a query named Files by Originator based on the Files Index table.
      • Show the Originator, Filename, File Path, Date, and Key Content fields in the query results table.
      • Sort the records in ascending order, first by the Originator field, then by the File Name field.
      • Print the query results table.
    4. Assume you created your records index on August 10 of the current year. Now assume that 13 months have gone by since the date when the index was created. You need to find all records that have been in active storage longer than the time shown on the retention schedule. In this situation, records in the Active Storage field for year would be ready for transfer to inactive storage.
      • Create a query based on the Files Index table.
      • Name the query Files to Transfer.
      • Show the Originator, Filename, File Path, Category, Active Storage, and Inactive Storage fields in the query results.
      • Sort the query results by the Filename field. Key 1 year in the Criteria row for the Active Storage field.
      • Run the query and print the query results table.
      • Compare Delivery Services

        (Objective 12-2b)You have been asked to compare rates for the Postal Service and two private mail delivery services for mailing several types of items. Work with a classmate to complete this activity.

        1. Identify two private mail delivery companies that serve your area.
        2. Research the cost of mailing the items listed below step 4 using the Postal Service and the two private mail delivery services. Create a bar graph that compares the cost of mailing the six-ounce envelope to Tampa, Florida, using next-day delivery for the two private mail delivery services and the Postal Service. Adjust the scale of the graph, if necessary, to show the data clearly.
        3. Write a short memo report to your supervisor, Jeremy Waters, to report your findings. Use the current date and an appropriate subject line.
          • Recommend the mail service that should be used for routine mailings and the service that should be used for items that must have guaranteed overnight or second-day delivery.
          • Introduce and include the graph you created in your report.
          • Determine whether each service has a system available for customers to track packages that have been mailed. Research mailing time deadlines, any special packaging requirements, and drop-off or pickup locations for each service. Consider these factors when making your decisions.
          • Give reasons to support your recommendations.
        4. Attach a table to your report that gives the mailing cost for each item below for each of the three services.Items to be mailed:
          • A package that weighs 10 pounds to be sent to Chicago, Illinois, which you would like to arrive within about 10 days (Delivery time is not critical.)
          • A letter that weighs 6 ounces to be sent to Tampa, Florida, which must arrive the next business day (Delivery time is critical.)
          • An envelope that weighs 12 ounces to be sent to Santa Barbara, California, which must arrive within two working days (Delivery time is critical.)
          • A letter that weighs 4 ounces to be sent to Denver, Colorado, which you would like to arrive within seven working days (Delivery time is not critical.)
          • A letter that weighs 10 ounces to be sent to a local business, which you would like to arrive within three or four days (Delivery time is not critical.)
  • Explanation & Answer

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