Research & Summaries Question


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Consider this scenario:

A new educational leader’s first task from the board of trustees is to plan and implement a math initiative for the new school year and explain why it will improve student scores. The board vote was 5–4 in favor of the initiative, which was to be implemented immediately. Board members who voted against the initiative, as well as several administrators and teachers, had divided opinions on how test scores in the diverse student body would be affected by the math initiative. Suddenly, the initiative became controversial, and community leaders, parents and other external stakeholders got involved.

To prepare for the Assignment, read this Module’s texts on education reform. Focus on the formal and informal power of individuals and groups to achieve their goals in organizations. Highlight the political processes and implications at the micro level within education reform.

Next, put yourself in the position of the leader in the scenario above who was asked to defend the new initiative. What if you were asked to write a plan addressing why a new initiative (i.e. math, reading) would be effective with regard to organizational readiness and sustainability?Write a 5–8 page paper analyzing why organizational readiness for implementing an education initiative at the micro level in your organization can be effective. Include the following:

  • Describe an innovative education initiative to implement in your local school district or educational organization. It has to be something that has never been done before and, therefore, would likely be seen as controversial or very difficult to accomplish in the organization and/or community.
  • Analyze the internal and external forces that would support the change and those that would inhibit the change.
  • Assess organizational readiness related to the initiative using a capacity and capability framework.
  • Identify and analyze the sustainability issues at the micro level that will have to be addressed to make the initiative effective.
  • Provide explicit recommendations for addressing the capacity, capability, and sustainability issues that were raised in the previous paragraphs.
  • Schlechty, P. C. (2009). Leading for learning: How to transform schools into learning organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
    • Chapter 1, “The Case for Transformation” (pp. 3–21)Focus on definitions and examples of reform and the significance of readiness at the micro level in terms of scale, scope, and capability.
    • Chapter 2, “Systems and Technological Change” (pp. 23–38)Focus on the impact technological innovations have had on education reform at the micro level.
    • Chapter 6, “The Bureaucratic Impulse” (pp. 143–158)Focus on the role of the governmental bureaucracy in education reform and transformation.
  • Anderson, G. L. (1999). The politics of participatory reforms in education.Links to an external site. Theory into Practice, 38(4), 191-195.Focus on macro-level conditions needed in school reform.
Explanation & Answer

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