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Please respond to discussion below using current APA edition and 2 scholarly references. Must be 150 words.

Coverage of essential health benefits is mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), guaranteeing women’s access to complete healthcare. Firstly, early diagnosis of illnesses like breast and cervical cancers is critical for timely intervention and improved outcomes. Preventive treatments and screenings, such Pap tests and mammograms, play a major role in this regard. In addition, the availability of contraceptives helps women make educated decisions regarding their reproductive health and makes family planning easier (Bossick et al., 2021). To promote general well-being and economic stability, access to a variety of FDA-approved birth control options is essential. Thirdly, maternity and newborn care promotes healthy pregnancies and the development of young children by providing all-encompassing support during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period. This promotes healthier families and communities by covering prenatal appointments, childbirth, and postpartum care. In conclusion, mental health and drug addiction services are essential because they cater to the particular mental health requirements of women and guarantee that they have access to proper care, therapy, and treatment for substance misuse, all of which are critical for improving mental health and general quality of life (Bossick et al., 2021). These crucial advantages highlight the ACA’s dedication to improving women’s healthcare and promoting social well-being.

People go through a substantial psychosocial development period throughout early adulthood, which usually spans from late teens to mid-30s. This phase is marked by the development of a strong sense of identity and the building of interpersonal relationships. This stage highlights the necessity of developing close relationships while preserving a sense of self and is sometimes referred to as Erikson’s stage of intimacy vs. solitude (Marchi et al., 2021). At this point in their lives, young women are juggling expectations from society, personal values, and professional and educational options. Establishing a healthy self-identity requires striking a balance between these factors. During this time, peer pressure, romantic relationship exploration, and the desire for independence from family are all prevalent occurrences. They may also have to negotiate social norms around marriage, parenthood, and duties and obligations.

Customizing clinical education and interventions for women in this age range is essential as a Nurse Practitioner with a focus on women’s health. It is essential to provide thorough information on sexual and reproductive health, covering family planning, STIs, and contraception alternatives. Since this age group may experience stress from relationships, societal demands, and academic or professional aspirations, it is equally crucial to address mental health (Marchi et al., 2021). Giving advice on coping strategies, stress reduction techniques, and mental health resources can be very helpful. Their healthcare programs should include regular STI exams as well as mental health evaluations.

Addressing eating disorders, substance addiction, and domestic violence becomes crucial in pathological conditions. Young women’s physical and mental health can be severely impacted by these problems, making early detection and proper referrals to professional care necessary. Preventive care can benefit from educational initiatives that focus on nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices (Marchi et al., 2021). In addition, empowering women to identify and confront abusive circumstances requires promoting an honest conversation about consent and healthy relationships. A holistic approach to healthcare is ensured by offering a secure venue for them to voice problems and information about community services, with the goal of improving their general well-being during this crucial time of life.

In order to prevent the start of health difficulties, primary prevention in women’s health entails proactively promoting healthy behaviors and offering education, such as encouraging regular exercise and a balanced diet. One such would be teaching women the value of a healthy diet and frequent exercise to lower their risk of obesity and related diseases. In order to effectively treat diseases in their early stages, secondary prevention focuses on early diagnosis and intervention through the use of screenings and tests (Lee et al., 2020). For example, routine mammograms for breast cancer screening contribute to early identification and prompt treatment, which enhances results. The goal of tertiary prevention is to enhance the quality of life for individuals who have already received a diagnosis, frequently through management and rehabilitation techniques. Giving a lady who has had breast cancer surgery rehabilitation and support services following the procedure is one example, with an emphasis on improving her post-treatment well-being and avoiding long-term consequences.

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