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1. Emily

There are a multitude of healthcare administrative/management careers available within healthcare administration support and service organizations. Some of the organizations include the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Association (ASHHRA), U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Joint Commission, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), etc. (Buchbinder, 2021). Together, these organizations create an all-encompassing realm of support for patients receiving care as well as the staff working in healthcare.

The American Medical Association includes program managers, campaign managers, customer service representatives, human relations supervisors, etc. The American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Association has jobs like human resource specialists, human resource managers, human resource generalists, etc. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has careers like health information statisticians, health information managers, health information technologists, etc. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have positions including revenue cycling experts, medicaid and medicare managers/supervisors, etc. The Joint Commission has positions like quality assurance officers, auditors, chief of quality assurance, etc. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America has positions like pharmacists, researchers, directors of research, etc. (Buchbinder, 2021).

Each organization interrelates with one another because each organization has a structural hierarchy. Each organization has a leader, usually a CEO or Director, that’s seen as the figurehead of the organization. they make big decisions for the company, and will usually appear publicly at important events or meetings to represent the company. This position usually goes to an individual that has worked for the company for a long time and has worked in lower positions. With this knowledge, the leader of the company can make decisions and create new jobs with the prior experience and knowledge of running parts of the company. By doing this, positions underneath feel confident in their leader and can rely on them.

Next, there’s a vice-president, deputy officer, etc. that will be next highest within the hierarchy. This position will often step in for the leader of the company and will travel for public appearances that are lower profile. This way, the company has representatives present even when the CEO or chief is unavailable. Some of their duties include answering to the CEO/Chief, organizing a team of experts for different specialties, like billing, patient advocacy and satisfaction, marketing, data analytics, etc. The Vice President holds an important role in healthcare administration because they are the individuals who take loads off the CEO or Chief. They are involved with the company for a period of time and they are able to complete tasks independently without direction from other. As the hierarchy descends, each health organization has their own branding for leadership roles and management positions. Each organization is interrelated in the sense that there is a structural hierarchy in place that dictates what eacb position is expected to do. Without this structural hierarchy, there’s more likely to be chaos and issues regarding the knowledge, skills, and capabilities of each position within the company (Fernandopulle, 2021).

Another way that the health groups interrelate is that their goals are similar. Each organization aims to provide adequate patient care or adequate services that meet the demands of the clients or patients. For example, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America aims to find the best use of medicine for patients and researches new innovations for medicine usage. By doing this, they are increasing patient satisfaction and lowering mortality rates of patients. (Wouters, 2021). Another example would be Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Within Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, there are social workers and other insurance experts that are able to find the right plan for anybody in need of either Medicare or Medicaid. With this support, patients that are in need of insurance are able to receive guidance. When patients feel heard and their questions are answered, there’s an increase in overall satisfaction in regards to their health. (Burd, 2017)

When researching the positions within the health organizations listed above, I’ve come across a few that I could see myself doing, but I’ve narrowed the options down to 1. My favorite position would be Chief Information Officer – IT with PhRMA. Through my time at Liberty University as a student, I’ve come across a few specialized classes that have peaked my interest. Health informatics has been my favorite so far. I feel like Health Informatics is growing rapidly, which means the field is growing bigger and bigger everyday. With this being the case, positions in health informatics are growing as well. Knowledge of a Chief Information Officer would be a background in health informatics, technology, or IT. Some of their knowledge would also come from work experience. Experience for this position should be anywhere from 7-10 years of leadership within a health information specialty, preferably done internally within PhRMA. Some skills they must have are communication skills and delegation skills. Communication is crucial to this position because Chief Information Officers manage a team of specialists. Communication is imperative for training purposes and helping one another understand expectations and responsibilities. Delegation is important because one person can’t do the job alone. Having the ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities to other people that have more resources to do it is an example of being a good team member and working amongst one another in order to provide the best outcome. An ability that this position must possess is the ability to problem solve any time of the day. Most Chief Information Officer’s are on-call all of the time for major issues that need to be resolved or any issues between staff members. This is not always a good fit for people, and can result in stress and burnout. Therefore, knowing the expectations of the position and the knowledge, skills, and abilities that come along with it is crucial for the success of Chief Information Officer’s. (Wouters, 2020)

In the bible, Psalm 78:72 states “With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand” (NIV). With a position supervising or managing within healthcare administration, you must be prepared to help not only the patients that need your assistance, but the coworkers that work beneath you as well. You must provide guidance and support where needed, and be prepared to make difficult decisions.

Works Cited

Buchbinder, Sharon B., and Jon M. Thompson. Career Opportunities in Health Care Management: Perspectives from the Field : Perspectives from the Field, Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, 2021.

Burd, C., Brown, N. C., Puri, P., & Sanghavi, D. (2017). A Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Lens Toward Value-Based Preventive Care and Population Health. Public health reports (Washington, D.C. : 1974), 132(1), 6–10. to an external site.

Fernandopulle N. (2021). To what extent does hierarchical leadership affect health care outcomes?. Medical journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 35, 117. to an external site.

New International Version. (2011).…

Wouters O. J. (2020). Lobbying Expenditures and Campaign Contributions by the Pharmaceutical and Health Product Industry in the United States, 1999-2018. JAMA internal medicine, 180(5), 688–697. to an external site.

2. myeesha

Health administration has a growing role in the healthcare industry. Many healthcare organizations depend on administrative professionals in healthcare administration positions to operate and manage their organizations. There is an increasing need for individuals with knowledge, skills, and abilities in healthcare to fill the roles of healthcare administrators. Educational background, hands-on experience, and formal training are ways that healthcare administrators can gain their skill sets and knowledge base. However, the ability to communicate effectively, be efficient, manage, and lead others is a discipline that individuals seeking healthcare administrative roles must possess.

Upon considering a profession in healthcare administration, one must recognize that the role requires personable demeanors and a welcoming disposition. Those who seek to be servant leaders are ideal candidates for positions such as healthcare administrators. Educational resources examine the roles of healthcare roles. For example, Buchbinder Thomson et al. (2010) assert that many healthcare organizations provide management and administrative functions. “The healthcare field continues to be a growing, rewarding, yet challenging profession.” (Buchbinder & Thompson, 2010, p. 206). The future of healthcare holds many roles in healthcare management, according to Buchbinder & Thompson et al. (2010), extended and short-term care, information technology, consulting, quality and performance improvement management, patient safety, primary and ambulatory care, reimbursement management, clinical leadership, Medicare and Medicaid Federal Health Programs are roles that require healthcare managers and administrators.

Managers and administrators in these job functions must be passionate about the role and initiate higher learning to maintain the knowledge and skill sets required for their operations. Roles that can be obtained as an administrator in these various healthcare establishments are Healthcare Practice Manager, Nursing Home Administrator, IT Systems Administration, senior research Administrator, Database Administrator, Chief Financial Officer, and Network Support Administrator. Corporations like hospitals, acute care facilities, private practices, and healthcare organizations acquire administrators to organize and operate their facilities. All the roles mentioned have similar qualities and correlate together.

Leadership qualities are essential for individuals in administrative roles as it is their job to manage others and collaborate among healthcare professionals such as physicians, nurses, and other clinical and clerical staff members. Being goal-oriented, an initiator and a self-starter are critical skills administrators possess. The ability to communicate verbally and in writing is imperative as communication is vital to the roles and functions of healthcare organizations to run successfully. Healthcare organizations use associations and other supporting organizations to run effectively. For example, healthcare organizations, such as the American Hospital Organization, The American Medical Association, The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, The American College of Healthcare Executives, and the Health Resources and Services Administration, specialize in healthcare management and offer administrative and leadership opportunities. Each organization’s roles hold similarities in responsibilities. For example, the job role advertised by the American Medical Association lists their Program Manager job as American Medical Association AMA (2023):

Responsibilities include communicating effectively, coordinating events effectively, communicating with team members and fellow staff, and designing and improving reports and workflows within the organization. Populate and manage tracking spreadsheets, reporting databases, dashboards, and surveys. Ensuring efficiency in workflows by integrating technology and streamlining processes. Document processes, provide measurable timelines and milestones, and create linkage to budget performance.

The AMA and other organizations support direct healthcare organizations by backing the healthcare industry physicians and healthcare providers. They advocate for physicians to ensure that the patients they treat by nurturing the healthcare organizations’ providers while promoting and supporting the betterment of public health such as direct care facilities such as hospitals, private practices, rehabilitation facilities, in and outpatient facilities, urgent care, and all healthcare organizations who hold equity in their local communities that offer direct patient care. All the organizations are integrated as their goals are to promote public health and care for individuals within communities nationwide. The job requirements and openings in these fields hold common ground: administrators must possess analytical critical thinking skills. The ability to navigate unchartered territories, such as issues and or problems that may arise in their respective organizations, while collaborating with the team, displaying professionalism, and working in support of these organizations offers credentialing of providers and the support of their organizations by the implementation of rules and regulations the healthcare industry upholds them.

I am interested in an administrative role as a patient safety administrator and a compliance and quality assurance role in a healthcare organization. The position requires knowledge of healthcare policies and procedures. Knowledge of healthcare regulatory guidelines, rules, and regulations is a plus in obtaining compliance and quality improvement roles in healthcare. One must be detail-oriented, have written and verbal communication skills, and have analytical and comprehensive knowledge of healthcare regulations. “Reliable quality control management must be implemented if a healthcare facility is to offer the best service and continue to help those in need.” (Healthcare Business Today, 2021, para.1) Quality improvement in healthcare is vital to both the providers and the patients. Quality assurance and improvement administrators identify areas of improvement needed or lacking in organizations and provide corrective action plans and instructions on how to correct and alleviate the areas of the organization that need improvement. “Quality is an essential element of healthcare, and compliance plays a vital role in achieving it.” (Enzee, 2023, para. 12)

As believers of Christ who seek roles in these various healthcare organizations, it is essential as we become administrators in our positions to remember the word of God charges us to lead not only with compassion and grace but to be firm in our godly approach to our fellow peers that we encounter and work among. “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” (King James Bible Online, 2023, Philippians 2:3). This is a gentle reminder that as administrators. However, authority comes with the role of management; there must be a balance of compassion and grace for others as different personalities, nationalities, and cultures will be encountered. Working in an interdisciplinary setting and with diverse groups opens a variety of experiences. It is essential that whomever or whatever we face in our future career paths, we lead with Christlike behavior and exemplify kingdom practices so that others may come to know Christ. “As every man hath received the gift, even so, minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” (New King James Bible Online, 2023, 1 Peter 4:10)


American Medical Association. (2023, 10 04). Program Administrator. Retrieved from American Medical Association:

Buchbinder, S., & Thompson, J. M. (2010). Career Opportunities in Healthcare Management. Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett.

Enzee. (2023, January 25). Quality vs Compliance in Healthcare: What’s the Difference? Retrieved from Enzee:…

Healthcare Business Today. (2021, December 9). The Essential Role of Quality Control Management in Healthcare. Retrieved from Healthcare Business Today:

King James Bible Online. (2023, October 4). Philippians 2:3. Retrieved from King James Bible Online:

New King James Bible Online. (2023, October 4). 1 Peter-4:10. Retrieved from New King James Bible Online:

four scholarly citation(s) in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Inaddition, the student must integrate a minimum of two citations of scriptural support as well as the course textbook

course textbook: Buchbinder, S. B., & Thompson, J. M. (2010). Career opportunities in health care management: Perspectives from the Field. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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