Round Table presentation


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Roundtable Presentation

As a synthesis of the prior weeks, each student will create and lead a round table discussion, using a video recorded platform (e.g. Zoom or Teams) with members of your Group or other current classmates (3 people at minimum).Students will each lead a round table discussion using 3-5 of the topics covered in the past weeks.The round table discussion must not exceed 20 minutes but must be at least 15 minutes in duration.

Application of Learning:

  • Video/Presentation must meet time and all other specifications (points deducted for exceeding time requirement and not following the directions outlined)
  • This is an Individual Project
  • As the host/leader you must clearly identify/introduce yourself and the purpose of the round table discussion – “UMGC IT Project Management Final Exam (give the date & year)”
  • Your appearance on camera is optional (including classmates)
  • Round table event must be professionally conducted
  • Creative and well developed presentation slides are required
  • Graphics, animations, statistics, examples etc….are encouraged
  • Font size must be 18 and above
  • Vocals must be clear, concise, and audible
  • Appropriate attire is required while appearing in the video
  • No swearing or profanity from guests or host


  • As the Host, you are being graded on your knowledge of the subject matter. Please provide a clear overview upfront of the subjects you’re planning to discuss.
  • Your guests are there to support you by asking questions and to dialogue but you need to be the star of the presentation.Your knowledge must shine!
  • It is always best to use briefing slides to help organize the discussion.
  • Always wrap-up your presentation properly and add references at the end.
  • Most of all, enjoy the journey, be creative – think outside of the box in creating your presentation.
  • Chose 3 to 5 topics from the list of topics below to focus on your presentation.

1-PMI Certification

2-Project Stakeholders

3-Change Management

4-Gantt Chart

5-PM’s essential soft skills

6-Predicting cost and time when requirements are not yet known

7-Change management

Explanation & Answer

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