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According to the National Association of County and City Health Officials (n.d.), “a CHA should be part of an ongoing broader community health improvement process.” In the first part of your SPP, you identified the problem as well as the assets and stakeholders of the CHA. You designed the quantitative and qualitative data plans to measure the extent of the health problem that can be used to establish the effectiveness of a health improvement program. It is time to consider how your research can be used to improve the health of a community through community engagement and collaborative participation.

In this final component of your SPP, you will build upon the knowledge you gained through the Discussion: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data and your evaluation and scrutiny of a mixed-methods research study. In addition, you will consider the positive social change impact your CHA can have and how it can be used to create a community improvement plan.


National Association of County and City Health Officials. (n.d.). Community health assessment and improvement planning.…


For this Assignment, you will complete the final section of your CHA and integrate it into your Final Project.

Your FINAL SPP CHA Plan will be 10–12 pages (excluding title page and references). In addition to the final section you completed this week, you will integrate feedback you received from the Instructor on your SPP drafts submitted in Modules 2 and 4. Submit your FINAL project, which should include the following, in order:

  • Part 1: Background (three to four pages)
    • Details about the community
    • A description of the health problem
    • Information about the key stakeholders
    • Ethical and cultural challenges
    • Benefits of a CHA to the participants
  • Part 2: Quantitative and Qualitative Data Plan (four pages)
    • A quantitative data plan
    • A qualitative data plan
  • Part 3: Data Integration and Application of CHA (three to four pages)
    • Describe how you integrate data from your quantitative and qualitative data plans.
      • Which approach would you take?
    • Explain how your CHA could impact programs to affect positive social change.
    • Describe how your CHA could be used to inform a community improvement plan.
  • References
    • Support your work with specific references to scholarly resources.
    • Provide a reference list in APA7 format for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

    • PUBH_8248_Module5_SPP_Rubric
      Criteria Ratings Pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelop Part 1 and Part 2 of your CHA Plan, incorporating Instructor feedback when appropriate. The following should be addressed: • Details about the community• The health problem• Key stakeholders• Ethical and cultural challenges• Benefits to participants• Quantitative data plan• Qualitative data plan
      30 to >26.0 ptsOutstandingIncludes a fully developed, exceptional, and accurate incorporation of Instructor feedback in the development of Parts 1 and 2 of the CHA Plan and thoroughly addresses all topics. 26 to >23.0 ptsVery GoodIncludes a generally thorough, adequate, and accurate incorporation of Instructor feedback in the development of Parts 1 and 2 of the CHA Plan and adequately addresses all topics. 23 to >20.0 ptsMeets ExpectationsIncludes a limited or somewhat inadequate or inaccurate incorporation of Instructor feedback in the development of Parts 1 and 2 of the CHA Plan or does not adequately address all topics. 20 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsMissing, or does not adequately or accurately incorporate Instructor feedback in the development of Parts 1 and 2 of the CHA Plan or does not adequately address all topics.
      30 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescribe how you integrate data from your quantitative and qualitative data plans.
      30 to >26.0 ptsOutstandingFully developed and supported, insightful, credible, and scholarly description of the integration of data from both quantitative and qualitative data plans. 26 to >23.0 ptsVery GoodThorough, well-organized, and supported description of the integration of data from both quantitative and qualitative data plans. 23 to >20.0 ptsMeets ExpectationsAdequate description of the integration of data from both quantitative and qualitative data plans. 20 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsMissing, unoriginal, or does not accurately describe the integration of data from both quantitative and qualitative data plans.
      30 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplain how your CHA could impact programs to affect positive social change.
      30 to >26.0 ptsOutstandingFully developed and supported, insightful, credible, and scholarly explanation of the impact of a CHA on public health programs to affect positive social change. 26 to >23.0 ptsVery GoodThorough, well-organized, and supported explanation of the impact of a CHA on public health programs to affect positive social change. 23 to >20.0 ptsMeets ExpectationsAdequate explanation of the impact of a CHA on public health programs to affect positive social change. 20 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsMissing, unoriginal, or does not accurately explain the impact of a CHA on public health programs to affect positive social change.
      30 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescribe how your CHA could be used to inform a community improvement plan.
      30 to >26.0 ptsOutstandingFully developed and supported, insightful, credible, and scholarly description of how a CHA can inform a community improvement plan. 26 to >23.0 ptsVery GoodThorough, well-organized, and supported description of how a CHA can inform a community improvement plan. 23 to >20.0 ptsMeets ExpectationsAdequate description of how a CHA can inform a community improvement plan. 20 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsMissing, unoriginal, or does not accurately describe how a CHA can inform a community improvement plan.
      30 pts
      This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Communication: Extent to which writing is professional, appropriate, clear, properly formatted, grammatically, and structurally correct, synthesized, supported, and scholarly.
      30 to >26.0 ptsOutstandingWriting is fully developed, exceptionally well organized, synthesized, supported, scholarly, and free of writing errors. Concepts are connected throughout paper with appropriate transitions and multiple appropriate resources and examples. 26 to >23.0 ptsVery GoodWriting is generally thorough and grammatically correct, with proper formatting and minimal concerns. Synthesis is demonstrated and ideas are supported without reliance on quoting. 23 to >20.0 ptsMeets ExpectationsWriting adequately meets expectations for writing and synthesis but with infrequent and minor issues. 20 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet ExpectationsWriting does not meet basic expectations (e.g., clarity, tone, organization, grammar, spelling, punctuation, source citation, references, title page, synthesis of source material, insufficient originality, etc.).
      30 pts
      Total Points: 150

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