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Qualitative research and data analysis is often used for exploratory research, in comparison to qualitative data, which is regularly used to test a hypothesis or address a research question. Qualitative data, information that is not numbers or measured using a fixed scale, focuses on the words, ideas or concepts, descriptions, or interpretations of an item. A goal of qualitative research then is to help you understand people’s perceptions, emotions, and experiences.

This requires a different approach to how you gather data and how you analyze the data; it often includes a systematic use of coding to identify potential patterns. Data collection methods could include narratives, interviews, and observations. Analysis methods include phenomenology, thematic analysis, and narrative analysis. A comprehensive qualitative data plan requires excellent observational skills, thorough and detailed notes, and careful coding and analysis of the data. Your plan should also clearly identify and explain the approach you would use in your CHA. In this Module, you are submitting both your quantitative data plan and qualitative data plan.


For this Assignment, you will submit the draft of your Quantitative Data Plan from Module 3 along with the draft of the Qualitative Data Plan of your CHA. In addition to your two-page Quantitative Data Plan, your two-page Qualitative Data Plan should:

  • Describe the observations, interviews, or focus groups that you would undertake in the CHA.
  • Propose three engaging interview questions for collecting primary qualitative data that allow for in-depth responses from participants.
    • Consider the follow-up questions you might ask to gain more detail and information.
  • Explain the method for accessing the population and conducting observations, interviews, or focus groups in your community.
  • Explain which qualitative approach you would use (phenomenology, narrative, ethnography, or case study).
  • Explain which steps you would take for qualitative data analysis.


Submit a draft (4–5 pages) of your SPP, which includes the following:

  • Brief introductory statement of problem and community (in a paragraph or less)
  • Quantitative data plan from Module 3
  • Qualitative data plan
    • Note: you will work on your CHA Plan throughout the Course and only submit your FINAL SPP in Module 5. This week, submit a draft to receive formative feedback on your work to date.


  • Numbers are everywhere. Some numbers represent simple relationships, e.g., the cost of a dozen eggs, the numbers on a clock, or the numbers on a ruler. In other cases, the numbers must be analyzed to determine the relationship, e.g., increasing or decreasing trends in disease prevalence, effectiveness of an intervention, or the cost-benefit analysis of a public health program.A comprehensive quantitative data plan requires thoughtful questions that will provide quality primary data as well as supporting secondary quantitative data that complements it. In addition, your plan will require a data analysis method and the use of statistical tests, based on the types of data used. You are not submitting your quantitative data plan at this time; however, you should consider the feedback and comments from your peers and Instructor from the discussions as you work on this portion of your SPP.

    For this Assignment, you will draft the quantitative data plan portion of your CHA. Your two-page plan should:

    • Describe the quantitative data you could collect as part of your CHA.
    • Propose survey questions for collecting primary quantitative data. Include a maximum of three questions about demographics, a maximum of three questions about risk factors, and one question about health outcomes.
      • Hint: Refer to the BRFSS dataset for potential question formats.
    • Explain the method for accessing the population and administering the surveys in your community.
    • Propose additional secondary quantitative data you could add as part of your CHA to complement the primary quantitative data.
    • Based upon the survey questions you proposed, explain which statistical test would be appropriate to analyze the data you would receive.

    There is no SPP submission this week.You are encouraged to complete this portion of your CHA during this module in preparation for submitting a draft of your Quantitative and Qualitative Data Plan in the next module. In addition, you will want to integrate feedback from your previous draft submission as you prepare to submit your completed CHA in Module 5.

    • Note: you will work on your CHA Plan throughout the Course and only submit your FINAL SPP in Module 5. This week, you will work on one element of the project, but a submission is not necessary.

    Namey, E. E., & Trotter, R. T. (2015). Chapter 15 | Qualitative research methods, In G. Guest & E. E. Namey (Eds.), Public health research methods (pp. 442–482) SAGE Publications.

  • Patton, M. Q. (2015). Designing qualitative studies. In Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice (4th ed., pp. 244–326) SAGE Publications.
    • Note: Read Module 29, “Data collection decisions.”
  • Patton, M. Q. (2015). Fieldwork strategies and observation methods. In Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice (4th ed., pp. 327–420) SAGE Publications.
    • Note: Read Module 43, “The power of direct observations” and Module 48, “Integrating what to observe with how to observe.”
  • Patton, M.Q. (2015). Qualitative analysis and interpretation. In Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice (4th ed., pp. 520–651) SAGE Publications.
    • Note: Read Module 65, “Establishing a strong foundation for qualitative analysis” and Module 70, “Interpreting findings.”
  • Soriano, F. I. (2013). Chapter eight: Qualitative data preparation and analyses. In Conducting needs assessment: A multidisciplinary approach (2nd ed., pp. 137–152). SAGE Publications.
  • Soriano, F. I. (2013). Chapter nine: Recruiting and collecting data from participants. In Conducting needs assessment: A multidisciplinary approach (2nd ed., pp. 155–167). SAGE Publications.

    Throughout this course, you will be preparing sections of your Scholar Practitioner Project (SPP) and will have the opportunity to receive formative feedback from your Instructor as you progress. In Module 5, you will collate all these pieces into one final submission.The SPP is to plan a common procedure for gathering data in public health practice—a CHA. CHAs may be focused on the general health needs of a community or population (sometimes called a “needs assessment”) or on a specific disease or another public health problem or on the system that provides services related to that disease. A limited assessment may be conducted collecting only quantitative data; a more comprehensive assessment will also collect qualitative data. In this course, you will explore the use of multiple skills in developing a CHA focused on a specific disease or public health problem, including advanced qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-research methods, cultural considerations, community participation, and the use of data for strategic planning. For your SPP in this course, you will develop a CHA Plan.Scenario: You have been asked by your supervisor in the Health Department to design and plan a CHA in your county or some other discrete “community” (e.g., a neighborhood, a school, or a population with some chronic disease), focusing on a specific public health problem.

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