Scientist Spotlight – Rick Kittles, Geneticist


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Scientist Spotlight – Rick Kittles, Geneticist

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Scientists in the Spotlight

Dr. Rick Kittles

Dr. Rick Kittles in white lab coat


Rick Antonius Kittles, Ph.D. is professor and founding director of the Division of Health Equities within the Department of Population Sciences at City of Hope in Duarte. He is also associate director of health equities in the comprehensive cancer center.

Dr. Kittles is well known for his research of prostate cancer and health disparities among African-Americans. His research has focused on understanding the complex issues surrounding race, genetic ancestry and health disparities. He received a Ph.D. in biological sciences from George Washington University in 1998. His first faculty appointment was at Howard University where he helped establish the National Human Genome Center at Howard University.

Over the last 20 years, he has been at the forefront of the development of ancestry-informative genetic markers, and how genetic ancestry can be quantified and utilized in genomic studies on disease risk and outcomes. His work has shown the impact of genetic variation across populations in pharmacogenomics, biomarker discovery and disease gene mapping.

Source: Home page, Rick Kittles, City of HopeLinks to an external site.

Materials to Review

1. Watch this TEDX talk by Dr. KittlesLinks to an external site..

2. Read this summary of recent (2021) research Download summary of recent (2021) researchOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReaderby Dr. Kittles.

What to submit

Initial Post

Submit a post of at least 250 words, addressing the questions below. Please break it into paragraphs. Provide a timestamp from the video, relevant to one of your answers to the four questions.

  1. What was most interesting or most confusing about Dr. Kittles and his work?
  2. What did you learn about the connection between skin color and Vitamin D?
  3. What do these materials tell you about the types of people that do science?
  4. What new questions do you have after reviewing these materials?
  5. Your posts must be in your own words.

    • I want to see your own understanding.
      • Don’t quote or paraphrase from the book or a website, even if you cite the source.
      • Write truly in your own words, and in your own voice.
    • Copying from any source, without citation, counts as cheating.
      • The penalty will be 0 on the HW.

        How to find the timestamp in a video

        How do you refer to a specific time in a video for the discussion homework?

        1. Play the video. Let’s say that this one is called “Lawlor’s Lesson: Mutant invaders.”
        2. Look for a concept or example relevant to the homework question.
        3. Pause the video at that point.
          • Don’t worry about finding the exact beginning or ending of the section.
          • Just pause close to the beginning.
        4. Write down the time exactly as you see it in the video player.
          • The timestamp is the first number only (the one in front of the slash).
            • (The number after the slash is the total length of the video. Don’t cite that.)
          • The timestamp format means “minutes:seconds.”
          • In the image above, the timestamp is 0:50.
        5. Cite the name of the video and timestamp as follows:
          • (Lawlor’s Lesson: Mutant invaders 0:50)
          • Don’t worry about getting the title exactly right, but “Lawlor’s Lesson” isn’t enough; most modules have more than one.

        This information is quoted and modified from the website

Explanation & Answer

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