Story time 3


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This is a fun—and challenging—way to reinforce the meaning of medical words and the word elements is to create a story using the words and word elements from chapter 9-12. The medical words and word elements are to be substituted for words in a appropriate story that you make. Submit your story in the text box below. I will not open file attachments. Once posted you will be able to see others stories and will be able to read and comment/ like others if you choose.

Original post must have:


-a title (5pts)

-use a minimum of 10 different word elements. If terms are repeated in the story, they only count once towards the ten (10) total. (10 pts each).

-ONLY terms on the list below count towards the ten (10) total. Terms in the example are NOT included.

Here is an example story:

The Great Bulge

“Pierre was a (glyc/o) sweet little old man. He suffered from (inguin/o hernia) tissue protruding through wall of muscle in the groin . Pierre suffered great (algia ) pain. He needs to have it (plasty) surgical repair before the hernia (-megaly) enlarged. Pierre is ready for surgery and will be under anesthesia by a (an-) absence (esthesia-) sensation (ologist) specialist in the study of. The surgeon will make (-tomy) incision into the groin area to ( -rrhaphy) surgical suturing the hernia. The Surgeon can do this repair (lapar/) abdominal wall (-oscopic) examination with a scope.

Here are a list of words to choose from:


1. esophag/o

2. enter/o

3. colon/o

4. an/o

5. cyst/o

6. -emesis

7. aer/o

8. cheil-

9. gingiv-

10. de-

11. dia-

12. -cele

13. cirrh/o

14. ec-

15. -algia

16. -genic

17. en-

18. -gram

19. anti-

20. cerebr/o

1. gastr/o

2. hepat/o

3. -lith/o

4. -pepsia

5. -phagia

6. metabol-

7. orth-

8. -plakia

9. halit-

10. hiat-

11. hydra-

12. mal-

13. -lysis

14. home/o

15. -ic

16. hypo-

17. neur/o

18. noct-

19. olig-

20. myel/o

1. or/o

2. odont/i

3. pharyng/o

4. pancreat/o

5. rect/o

6. peri-

7. pyr/o

8. -paresis

9. pept-

10. -orexia

11. steat/o

12. -rrhea

13. -tripsy

14. -top

15. poly-

16. -rrhagia

17. -scopy

18. caus/o

19. contus/o

20. -esthesia

1. xer/o

2. nephr/o

3. ur/o

4. optic/o

5. irid/o

6. audi/o

7. ot/o

8. blephar/o

9. kerat/o

10. -opia

11. presby/o

12. bin-

13. extra-

14. intra-

15. -metrist


17. peri-

18. aden/o

19. dacry/o

20. anis/o

Explanation & Answer

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