System design and problem solving ( management views drawing and modeling)


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This is an essay that has a 2000 word and 6 view models need to be designed. You have to read some leacuters to be able to do the models and discuss them with 2000 words. All the designing structure are on the lectures.

You are required to write a piece of individual coursework addressing the question below. Your answer may be based around material presented and discussed during the module and should be complimented with wider research from relevant sources. Your response should be no longer than 2000 words, less figures, titles, and references.

Read the Future Concept brief, which can be found with this assignment brief. This brief describes a different aspect of the University Campus example, which has been used across this module. You may use the approach from the classroom exercises, and possibly some of the soft and context modelling, in this assignment if you wish.

The brief defines an area of current capability, using some of the standard Mission Analysis Views covered in the module. It also identifies a high-level Future Concept, to enable distributed teaching with both staff and students joining from off campus.

In this assignment, you will be asked to apply additional MSBE views to this initial concept, to explore Stakeholder Needs, System Functions and Requirements and Logical Architecture. Alongside this there are some discussions of SE theory, which you should discuss using examples from the modelling you produce and wider reading.Using the MA model views in the attached brief, plus any of the other model views from the group exercise if needed,

  • Using the MA views and Stakeholder Needs (SN) model views provided, create the following System Function (SF) Views to define a Black Box description of a proposed SoI Option, to deliver the full set of Needs:
    • SF-View 1a SoI Option Context,
    • SF-View 2a SoI Option Static Behaviour,
    • SF-View 3a: SoI Options (list at least 3 potential options or questions that we might use to expand the SoI)
  • Using the SF, and relevant SA or LA views created in parts 1 and 2, create the following:
    • At least FIVE examples of System Functions, defined using SF-View 4.
    • Take one example function and show how it can be used to write at least THREE example Statements of System Requirement (please apply the requirements elicitation process covered in the taught module fully)
    • Using your example statements of requirement, discuss some of the possible Requirements Review issues that might apply to them, and how the use of Requirements Attributes might help to manage these issues (500 words)

iii.SF-View 2b SoI Option Dynamic Behaviour (you should draw at least one diagram for this view, and identify which aspect of View 2a it is related to)

Please label all views and provide brief explanatory text as needed [15 Marks].

2)Using the SF model views above, draw the following model views for the whole SoI, including at least one level of Element expansion

SA View 5a SoI Architecture Structure

SA View 4b SoI Element Dynamic Behaviour

Discuss the other SA and Logical Architecture (LA) views you would define to fully document the synthesis of a Logical expansion of the System Architecture, starting from the SF Black Box views. As part of this, you should reflect on and expand the initial SoI Options discussed in Q1.

You may choose which additional views to draw and which to simply describe to illustrate your understanding of the Logical System Architecture process (500 words)

Please label all views you create and provide brief explanatory text as needed [35 Marks].

Please label the requirements you produce and refer to them in the discussion as needed [20 Marks].

Notes for Q3: You are not expected to produce bad requirements so you can illustrate the review process, you can talk about wording that could have been used or potential issues and how you avoided them.

You should consider one of the SoI Elements defined in Q2 to identify a Function. While this can be related to the modelling the focus of the question is to show how we can take a starting function and write requirements from it.

4)Discuss, in your own words the role of Logical Architecture and System Requirements in the Concept & System Definition life cycle processes.

Please consider the following specific questions in your answer:

What does “Logical” mean when used to describe an architecture view?

How are the outcomes of Logical Architecture related to the outcomes of SystemRequirements?

How do the ideas of Requirements Management apply to the modelling approach appliedabove?

What are the benefits and challenges of a Model Centric or Model Based SE approach to these SE processes?

You may refer to your answers to part 1-3 to help illustrate your answer. You should also consider relevant additional literature sources in your answer. A word limit of 1000 words applies to this part. [30 Marks].

Marking Scheme

In this assignment, marks have been allocated for each question part. When marking each part, we will consider the following rubric, as appropriate to the question:

  • The quality of any model views produced will be assessed equally for:
  • The quality of the discussion in part 4 will be assessed equally for:
    • The quality of the arguments and conclusions in the discussion
    • The use of the model views to illustrate the discussion.
    • Has relevant high quality literature been used and if so, is it correctly used and integral to thediscussion?

The quality of the writing, including use of references, presentation and use of diagrams, overall structure within the question part. 20% of the marks for each part will be assessed for its presentation and structure.

Explanation & Answer

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