Understanding the Concept of “Control of an Entity”

Description Project 4: Understanding the Concept of “Control of an Entity” Project Brief Scenario: Two companies have just entered into a joint venture agreement. Each of the companies/partners needs to make a decision as to whether they will consolidate the joint venture or apply equity method accounting to it. The following options are possible: Both…

acc 150 final

Description Required information Appendix A Continuing Payroll Project: Wayland Custom Woodworking (1 Month, Part 2) (Static) Skip to question [The following information applies to the questions displayed below.] Wayland Custom Woodworking is a firm that manufactures custom cabinets and woodwork for business and residential customers. Students will have the opportunity to establish payroll records and…

Accounting Fraud Discussion post

Description Watch BOTH WorldCom videos and read the WSJ article attached before completing the discussion questions below. Both WorldCom videos are in the links provided: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUNk12uv9PQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXSWAK0K5L4 Respond to each of the following questions. Use complete sentences and proper grammar. Explain the fraudulent accounting WorldCom used in committing the fraud. Describe three (3) important takeaways…

Sustainability Analysis Krogers and Albertsons

Description Sustainability Analysis What does the company share about its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices? You might be able to go to that company’s Investor Relations website and locate this information. What type of information does your company share with investors? Which of the companies present more useful information to its investors? FOR KROGERS…