Regression and Correlation

Description Final Project: Regression and Correlation Analysis Use the dependent variable (labeled Y) and one of the independent variables (labeled X1, X2, and X3) in the data file. Select and use one independent variable throughout this analysis. Use Excel to perform the regression and correlation analysis to answer the following. The week 6 spreadsheet can…

Discusion Post

Description The film Insult shows us how a seemingly trivial personal dispute between two men can very easily explode, and turn into a political crisis that consumes an entire country. At the same time, the film also reveals how national social issues and political fault lines enter every aspect of citizens’ daily lives. 1. Would…

Video Summary

Description A brief summary of the main plot, describing the event or events that are the focus of the film, stating where and when they take place. Name and description of the protagonist and the antagonist. A brief summary of the main conflict and how is it resolved. A description of two images or scenes…

complete the excel sheet.

Description Part 3 – Justifying a Capital Investment – Due Week 7 Using the results from Part 1, evaluate the financial risk and reward on this investment. Complete thecash flow analysis spreadsheet in the Capital Project file. The project consists of a new businessventure with the following guiding cash flow assumptions:? The Initial capital investment…

Complete the excel part 2

Description The company is Coca-Cola Company (KO) and PepsiCo. Inc. (PEP) Part 2 – Financial Capital – Due Week 6 Calculate the following indicators of each company’s capital structure. The Current Capital Structure (% debt and % equity) The Current Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) Cost of debt (rD) – use the footnote for…

Reading log

Description Read the Poetry Foundation’s summary of your author’s life and work. Then, pick one of her poems to write about in this week’s reading log. Please pick one poem to focus on for this week’s reading log. You will still need to include 3 quotes, that you summarize and comment on.You should pick the…

Log 5 feelings

Description Feelings and Compromising: Pick a situation in which you are having a conflict with another person who is important in your life. Try to acknowledge the other person’s underlying feelings. Ask them to do the same for you. Brainstorm solutions that will be acceptable to both of you. Then try to agree on a…