writing eng

Description Week Three: Assignment Hide Assignment Information Instructions Review the case listed below, using the links to the Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute and you may also use additional references. United States v. Jones, 132 S. Ct. 945, 565 U.S. (2012) UNITED STATES v. JONES Then, complete the following. There are four parts to…

wriritng eng

Description AssignmentsWeek Four: Signature Assignment Week Four: Signature Assignment Hide Assignment Information Instructions Click on the link below to access your instructions to complete the CJA 460 signature assignment. When you have completed the assignment, upload it the assignment box to be graded by the instructor. Signature_Assignment CJA 460 -Word Document (239 KB) CJA 460…

wiringt eng

Description Week One: Assignment Hide Assignment Information Instructions All weekly assignments are due at the end of each week’s session, which is 10:00 PM PST Saturday of each week. Written assignments should be submitted no later than 10:00 pm PST Saturday of each week. There will be 5 questions each week, each one worth 2…

2023FA-ENG-111-GMN31 “Only Daughter” Reading Reflection

Description For this assignment, read Sandra Cisneros’ “Only Daughter” and write a brief summary (one well-developed paragraph) of the work and then explain whether you believe it is an effective narrative based on what you learned about narratives in the PowerPoint. Include at least two quotations to support your ideas. For example, if you think…

wiritng eng

Description Week One: Discussion 2 Contains unread posts Must post first. The two models in the court system are the crime control model and the due process model. Explain the philosophies of each. Which one do you believe best serves as the foundation for our court system? Post your original answer and comment on, at…


Description Unit 1 Writing Assignment Model Write In this assignment, you are going to write sentences that describe you or someone you know. As you prepare your sentences, think about the Unit Question, “What kind of person are you?” Choose one of the topics below: 1. Write sentences that describe your appearance, personality, and interests….

wiringt eng

Description Week One: Assignment Hide Assignment Information Instructions All weekly assignments are due at the end of each week’s session, which is 10:00 PM PST Saturday of each week. Written assignments should be submitted no later than 10:00 pm PST Saturday of each week. There will be 5 questions each week, each one worth 2…