Mathematics Question

Description Please calculate the historic decile statistics: I have attached the excel sheet which needs to be filled out i. average return (remember to divide the average by 100 to convert to decimal) ii. variance iii. standard deviation iv. compound return In the excel sheet comment on your findings. What do you find? How do…

LSV book to MV discovery

Description Please calculate the quintile returns, using the Excel file above, for: i. Average value weighted b/m returns (calculate the average return for the period 1980 through 2020) ii. average equal-weighted b/m returns (calculate the average return for the period 1980 through 2020) Find the average for the same period (calculate the average BE/MV for…

Module 6 Returns Beta Regression Analysis 4 stocks

Description Project 1: Beta and Return. The objectives of this exercise: To access and download stock and index price data from To discern the difference between a real-time closing price and an adjusted closing price. To discover how calculates beta for an individual stock. To replicate the calculation for four firms in…

Mathematics Question

Description Assignment: Answer the following questions. The Sharpe and Treynor performance measures both calculate a portfolio’s average excess return per unit of risk. Under what circumstances would it make sense to use both measures to compare the performance of a given set of portfolios? What additional information is provided by a comparison of the rankings…

Module 7 Problem Set

Description Please use the provided Answer sheet for your submission: Sample solution: THE FIRST TWO FILES Please complete this problem set #3 More on Covariance, Correlation, Stdev, variance, and firm-specific risk, and upload your Excel file answer sheet provided- THE THIRD FILE See the attached doc file for the full assignment Problem Set #3: Fall…