Law Question

Description No more than 2,000 words in total You will be completing Additional Exercise 7 on page 329 of the textbook (attached below). As noted, the facts provided as part of Additional Exercise 6 (attached below) are helpful. In addition, you should consider the following information and the following Complaint Download Complaint Elements of claim…

Evidence Writing Question

Description Marte Song was injured while attempting to light a propane grill. Though it was the deep in Minnesota winter, she decided to grill dinner. She went out to her patio, cleared the snow off the grill, turned on the propane tank, opened the lid to the grill, and lit it. She then went back…

Finish and revise a rough draft into a final.

Description Upload the written problem analysis that you received during Capstone week. To successfully complete the exercise, you should complete the following: Identify the issues presented in the hypothetical situation. Formulate the legal rules that govern the issues presented. Analyze arguments reasonable lawyers make with respect to the issues presented. Derive a reasonable conclusion drawn…

PU Johnson Case Legal Memorandum

Description Suppose that in June 2022, the following complaint was filed with the Federal District Court in Metropolitan City: This court has jurisdiction over this matter under 28 U.S.C. section 1331 and 42 U.S.C section 1983 because it involves a significant Federal question, namely, whether the Defendant’s actions infringe upon the liberties secured by the…

PU Conflict Analysis Discussion

Description This discussion asks you to reflect on the course and analyze a conflict on three levels, institutional systemic, external, and individual. Read news articles about the 2018 Google employee walkout over the company’s handling of sexual harassment claims. Be sure to reference and integrate course materials to explain your response. Follow this link to…