eek 3 Learning Exercise Analysis: Organizational, Political, and Personal Power/Organizing Patient Care

Description Solve one of the following Learning Exercises from Huston’s Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing, 11th edition. Learning Exercise 13.10 (page 336 Power Struggle You are a team leader on a medical unit of a small community hospital. Your shift is 3:00 to 11:00 PM. When leaving the report room, John, the day-shift…

Please reply in 250 words

Description Organizational planning Question: Try to remember a situation in your own life that involved unnecessary change. Why do you think that the change was unnecessary? What types of turmoil did it cause? Were there things a change agent could have done that would have increased unfreezing in this situation? Introduction :Change in all forms…

Legal Ramifications for Exceeding One’s Duties

Description List which Learning Exercise you are solving at the start of your analysis and provide a brief summary of the case. Be sure to apply an appropriate problem-solving/decision-making model (Traditional Problem-Solving Process, Managerial Decision-Making Model, The Nursing Process, or the Integrated Ethical Problem-Solving Model) in determining what you should do. Justify your decision with…

LIRN .Legal And Legislative Issues In Nursing

Description Legal And Legislative Issues In Nursing Nursing is a very critical profession, and both state and national governments have made comprehensive legislation to govern the practices and issues that arise in nursing. Nursing professionals must adhere to these laws and statutes since any violation can lead to serious consequences, including withdrawal of working licenses,…

Legal And Legislative Issues In Nursing

Description Legal And Legislative Issues In Nursing Nursing is a very critical profession, and both state and national governments have made comprehensive legislation to govern the practices and issues that arise in nursing. Nursing professionals must adhere to these laws and statutes since any violation can lead to serious consequences, including withdrawal of working licenses,…

SC Authority Power Gap in The Student Role Paper

Description Authority–Power Gap in the Student Role You are a senior nursing student completing your final leadership practicum. Your assignment today is to assume leadership of a small team composed of the registered nurse (RN), one licensed vocational nurse/licensed practical nurse, and one certified nursing assistant (CNA). The RN preceptor has agreed to let you…

SABER COLLEGE Why RNs Are Still Doing Non Nursing Tasks Discussion

Description Choose one of the following questions to answer for this week’s discussion board. Make sure to repost the question you selected at the top of your posting. Why do you believe professional RNs are still completing so many nonnursing tasks? How comfortable do you believe most RNs are in the role of delegator to…

SABER COLLEGE Friendships and Truth Learning Exercise

Description Solve one of the following Learning Exercises from Huston’s Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing, 11th edition. Learning Exercise 13.3 (page 321) Learning Exercise 13.8 (pages 334-335) Learning Exercise 13.10 (page 336) Learning Exercise 14.11 (page 360) List which Learning Exercise you are solving at the start of your analysis and provide a…