NSG6001 Week 5 discussion

Description To support your work with evidence bases references. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings….

nsg7005 week 9 project

Description 1. Construct an overview to introduce your identified population health issue and its relationship to the health of the American public. Include a problem statement and an introduction to the issue. Describe the incidence and prevalence of the problem in epidemiologic terms, if appropriate, citing your sources. Discuss the rationale for selecting the issue….

NSG 6005 week 10

Description APA format with references John is a 24-year-old who presents to urgent care with a 2 week history of cough and congestion. He says it started out as a “normal cold” and it will not go away. He has a productive cough of green mucous and has green nasal discharge. He says that he…

NSG 6005 week 7

Description APA format with references You have been following your patient for the past 2 years. You have worked with them to lose weight by changing lifestyle and nutritional habits. They continue to be overweight (body mass index [BMI] of 33) and have tried to cut down carbohydrate and fat intake, but now presents with…

NSG6001 week 4 discussion

Description Apply information from the Aquifer Case Study to answer the following discussion questions: Discuss the Mrs. Gomez’s history that would be pertinent to her difficulty sleeping. Include chief complaint, HPI, Social, Family and Past medical history that would be important to know. Describe the physical exam and diagnostic tools to be used for Mrs….

NSG6005 week 5 case study

Description Students in their first graduate level pharmacology course are confused with the recommendations for hypertension (HTN) and treatment choices after ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and with heart failure (HF). The drugs used several years ago and still seen commonly on the acute care floors the students work are not the ones now assuming a…

NSG6005 week 9

Description APA format with references Ann is a 34-year-old African American woman who presents with a 6 week history of initial and terminal insomnia and a 10 pound weight loss over that same period. She admits to feeling sad almost every day for the past 6 weeks that occurred after she lost her job. She…

NSG 6005 week 8

Description APA format with references Patrick is a 24 year old male who was playing soccer and twisted his ankle approximately 4 hours before presenting at Urgent Care. He is healthy and takes no medications on a regular basis. The patient’s assessment is as follows: His x-ray is negative for fracture and his examination is…

NSG6005 week 6

Description APA Format with references A patient is followed for several years with heart failure. His case is early at stage A. Answer the following questions. Which stage A patients would benefit from adding an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor? As the patient progresses through the heart disease stages, when are diuretics typically added? Are all heart…